Tuesday, October 29, 2013

ObamaCare Rollout: Many signing up for Medicaid rather than Private Plans

Did Harry Reid have a Nostradamus moment when he said that Obamacare was a step towards a Single-Payer System?

Obamacare exchanges appear to have been built to fail, and now this:
While virtually all the ObamaCare focus is trained on the program's dysfunctional website, another problem could be emerging -- in states where individuals are able to sign up, far more are enrolling in Medicaid than private plans. 
For now, the statistics are spotty. The Obama administration still hasn't provided figures on how many people have successfully enrolled through the federally run exchanges. Some, but not all, states have provided their own relatively up-to-date figures. 
But for those that have, the lopsided numbers show Medicaid is getting the lion's share of enrollees. 
In Washington state, more than 35,000 people have signed up for coverage since Oct. 1. Of them, just 4,500 went into private plans. Roughly 31,000 signed up for Medicaid -- with coverage kicking in sometime between now and Jan. 1. 
The director of the state's Health Care Authority said they were "pleased by the strong response of Medicaid-eligible residents." 
But the imbalance -- if it does not even out in the months to come -- could create problems for private insurance companies which are relying on a major influx of new and healthy customers to make the system hum. 
"There are a lot of elements of this law that have to work, that must work -- otherwise the whole thing collapses," the Cato Institute's Michael Cannon said. "They need -- need -- lots of healthy people to sign up for insurance through the exchanges."
Read the rest of the story HERE and view related videos below:

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  1. This is The BIGGEST PROBLEM that Obamacare is FACING. TOO MANY are signing up for Medicaid now that they've changed the formula to qualify.

    Obamacare needs HEALTHY PAYING CUSTOMERS to offset those who are getting the coverage for little or nothing.

    Which begs the question...Was THIS the plan to begin with? SINGLE-PAYER SYSTEM?

  2. Bosman, yeah, as I mentioned last week, the state of OR sent out 279,000 letters to the uninsured about qualifying for medicaid. 56,000 of those are now in. Then there are varying numbers reported as to how many people have actually signed up for insurance on the exchange--anywhere from 0 to 4000. (I don't believe the 4000.) Plus, out of the 279,000--surely most of them are going to go to medicaid when it's all said and done. This is just in OR!

    But Charles Cook has a good piece at NR about the dems and single payer. He basically says it's still a fantasy. But then, after this fisaco plays out, Americans might just be that stupid to be led right into it.



  3. 4000 Oregonians have submitted paper applications. NO ONE has enrolled on the site CoverOregon, which spent up to 10 million running those hippy sunshine ads. And they have no idea when (or if, lol) the site will work. But don't worry, everything is fine . . .

    Shouldn't people be outraged? I don't see evidence they are. And the news channels are really softening the blow. Oh boy would the story be different if this were Bush.


