Friday, October 25, 2013

NSA Data Center: More Problems at Obama's Other Debacle

"The report also said regular quality controls in design and construction were bypassed in an effort to "fast track" the project."....

This philosophy of doing things speedy and half-assed seems AWFULLY FAMILIAR.
Contractors working on a new National Security Agency data center in Utah are fighting over the causes and responsibility for electrical failures that have caused construction delays costing up to $50 million, project officials say.
The NSA's Utah Data Center, which has become a symbol of the agency's potent surveillance power, has been hobbled by the electrical failures, which have resulted in a series of fiery explosions, The Wall Street Journal reported earlier this month. 
The lead contractor on the project says it has uncovered the cause of the explosions—a defect in electrical switches provided by a subcontractor—and is installing a fix. Outside investigators from the Army Corps of Engineers, which is overseeing the $1.4 billion construction of the center, say the contractors' explanation, and proposed fix, remain unproven.
Government officials managing the project are split over which side is right. Representatives from the lead contractor—a joint venture of Balfour Beatty Construction, DPR Construction and Big-D Construction Corp.—are scheduled to present their case at the NSA's Fort Meade, Md., headquarters on Tuesday.
Read the rest of the story on this mess HERE.

Can you say...Passing the Buck?

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1 comment:

  1. "The report also said regular quality controls in design and construction were bypassed in an effort to "fast track" the project."....

    Sound Familiar? (OBAMACARE) Does everyone in Obama's Administration take a STUPID TEST before they get the job?
