Saturday, October 12, 2013

LIVE FEED: Values Voters Summit 2013 (DAY 2)

UPDATE: If you missed the DAY 1 SPEECHES I have them for you HERE. ENJOY. The live event continues below.

October 11th-13th marks the 8th annual Values Voter Summit at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. We are excited to have numerous conservative national and grassroots leaders including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ben Carson and Glenn Beck:

View the Schedule HERE and the event below:

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  1. Ugh. A fair number of these people are bigots, so count me out. Some of these holier-than-thou people were instrumental in dampening support for Romney.


  2. Other than Huckabee, who are the bigots? Notice Mike Lee and and Glenn Beck are speaking?

    Enough of the bigot baiting! It really doesn't help your cause!

  3. RW, Yeah, there are a lot of good guys. But there are also some lesser-knowns who did their level best to prevent a Mormon.

    Do you want me to go through the list and find them for you? Sorry, I'm working, and I already did that in 2007-08. You're going to have to trust me, I'm not lying. I have no reason to lie.

    So yes, I guess I'm holding grudges against certain 'religious right' (gag) type people. But the larger point is that there remains too many divisive people in the GOP who should not be given a platform.

    Plus, I have no cause, other than hoping American somehow manages to get out of the fix it's in.



  4. You know what the funny thing is RW? When I glanced at the list, I didn't even think of Huckabee. I've come to terms with him, and moved on. I actually sort of like him now.

    The people I'm talking about were the underbelly. Religious right leaders talking behind the scenes about how to get rid of the (gasp), Mormon.


  5. Yeah, they're so anti-Mormon, they invited Beck and Lee to speak. Many herald Lee as one of few bright spots in a party of Rinos. You really need to let go of your paranoia. Even if their are a few people out there who don't like your religion, who freaking cares! Can't please all of the people all of the time. What you are doing is not productive.

  6. RW, I didn't say the organizers are anti-Mormon. I'm sure some are. But I was referring to some of the speakers. I am not paranoid, I just happened to do a lot more research about people back then than you did, apparrently.

    Beck and Lee are okay, primarily because they are not running for pres. If they tried, I'm sure some of the anti-Mormonism would be re-ignited. But obviously, most of the religious right got over THEIR paranoia about a Mormon. That is a good thing.

    Plus, RW. I don't care who doesn't like my faith--never have. What I care about is the idea that someone can be prevented from success in a presidential election simply because they are Mormon. Don't you see that?

    Why don't you do a little thought experiment. Replace racism with bigotry. I'm sure you don't want a few bigots speaking at conservative events, do you? I don't! There is precious little difference between bigotry and racism.


  7. I meant to say,

    I'm sure you don't want a few RACISTS speaking at conservative events.

    Sorry for the typo.


  8. ". But there are also some lesser-knowns who did their level best to prevent a Mormon"

    lol, here you go guys.....let's all play the Mormon card...*again*

    "Religious right leaders talking behind the scenes about how to get rid of the (gasp), Mormon."

    Same boring deck of cards

    " If they tried, I'm sure some of the anti-Mormonism would be re-ignited. But obviously, most of the religious right got over THEIR paranoia about a Mormon"

    = still drowning on

    " What I care about is the idea that someone can be prevented from success in a presidential election simply because they are Mormon"

    All = epic Mormon card playing rant.

    Victimhood becomes self perpetuating lol

  9. BTW, RW. Do I go overboard? Yes. Sure. I admit that. I find myself just typing away. But I then don't really regret it, because I know I am right.


  10. "because I know I am right."


  11. You know Martha, you are no better than some some of my co-religionists (Catholics) and many Jews. We should spend more time going after the true anti-Religious people on the Left instead of accusing Right Wingers of being anti-Mormon, anti-Catholic and anti-Semitic. We all experience more bigotry from the Left (and Center) than we do from the Right. Yet, we give the Left a pass.

  12. You can't call the party that just nominated a Mormon bigoted and be taken seriously. Just like you can't call conservatives crawl over broken glass to elect Cruz or Alan West racist. Get it? Does not compute....

  13. Conservatives who would crawl over broke glass to elect Cruz or West as President.

    iPhone typing

  14. OJ, I do not mean to give leftists a pass. I'm sorry if you think I have, because truly religious freedom is being eroded by the left in an unprecedented way. There's no doubt about that, and it's spear-headed by Obama and Harry Reid, ironically.


  15. Supposedly, 5 million Conservatives stayed home because they did not want to vote for a Mormon candidate. What is Martha going to say next time when 10 million fail to show up for a non-Mormon candidate?

  16. "because truly religious freedom is being eroded by the left in an unprecedented way." but we wouldn't know it Martha.

  17. RW, Please don't put words in my mouth. You said:

    "You can't call the party that just nominated a Mormon bigoted and be taken seriously."

    I didn't do that. I said SOME of the SPEAKERS at the event are bigted. And SOME of the religious right . I do not think the GOP is bigoted in general.

    "Just like you can't call conservatives crawl over broken glass to elect Cruz or Alan West racist."

    Nor did I do that. I don't know to what you are referring.


  18. OJ, I don't think 5 million stayed home because of Mormonism. I've never said that. I don't know what you are referring to.


  19. You are in record suggesting that Mormons leave the Republican Party. That was uttered at a time when a Mormon had all but cinched the GOP nomination for POTUS.

  20. True, Martha, you never actually said that 5 million (or even 2.5 million) stayed home because they are anti-Mormon, but you certainly have suggested that a significant chuck of the party was bigoted. I'll concede that there is a very tiny minority of the party that is anti-Mormon, but it is not nearly as significant as some think.

  21. RW, I don't remember saying that but I wouldn't doubt that I did. But if I did, it must have been in response to something that was going on at the time.

    Also, way back when the heat was really on anti-Mormonism in 07-08, I don't doubt that I believed Mormons should leave a party that would prevent a Mormon from becoming president. Under those kind of circumstances, if Mormons voted with their feet, it would send a message.

    I think Romney running, and being so utterly gracious about the anti-Mormon instances-which were many--did a lot of good for the GOP. It is hard to refute that he is a decent, humble man of integrity and virtue. It became impossible to square that with the evil being spoken about him, and about Mormonism.


  22. OJ, I agree. It's a small number now. And that is because Romney turned out to be a decent man, and a good representative of Mormonism, (unlike me.)


  23. While, I disagree with some of his politics (and you too,) I do not dispute that he is a decent person. You too are a decent person.

    With regards to politics, I do not regret voting for Mr. Romney in the general election. However, that is a far as I go. If Mr. Christie and Mr. Ryan do not smarten it up fast, I cannot see voting GOP for those two.

  24. Off topic, but if all we get out of this shutdown/debt limit battle is a LOUSY repeal of the medical device tax I am going to be mad as -----!

    What's the deal?! If they cave the GOP is toast. And McCain is out there leading the way for caving.


  25. OJ, they will "smarten up" just in time for their campaign, just as Romney did. It's called flip-flop.

  26. OJ, you and I disagree about Paul Ryan. I think he's doing his best to reform entitlements, and get DC on a path to fiscal sanity. He's not perfect, but I believe he is honestly trying to fix the mess.


  27. RW, cheap shot at Romney, and untrue.


  28. Yes, we do disagree about Mr. Ryan. I lost a lot of respect for him. He is doing a good job mucking things up. A true one man wrecking crew (to take your phrase.)

  29. OJ, with good humor, I would like to suggest you take your own medicine. You often accuse me of attacking our side, rather than the true enemy--the leftists/Democrats. Ryan is not the enemy, and is not mucking things up. He's desperately trying to solve things.


  30. You guys all have a good afternoon. I'm going to get back to work now.


  31. Epic playing the Mormon card

    Oh, the sky's grey today.....religious bigot.

    Oh, the water don't seem as cold today. Obviously the water is a bigot.

    Where are my blue shoes? Can't find them. Obviously the shoes are a bigot.

    Can't find my keys. I would, if the keys were not a bigot.

    Walk into the neighbourhood. Someone else is walking on the other side of the road. Heck, they're only doing that as they are a bigot.
