Wednesday, October 30, 2013

LIVE FEED: Congressional Hearing (E&C Committee) on Obamacare with Kathleen Sebileus

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  1. Healthcare for me and not for thee. Gov't parasites in action.


  2. OBAMACARE is not about health care; it is about seizing power and limiting rights while crippling the Constitution of the United States.

    * There is No Authority in the text of the U.S. Constitution granted to the members of Congress to regulate health care.

    * ObamaCare will legislated into oblivion what the 3rd and 4th and 5th and 9th and 10th Amendments may provide to Americans currently.

    * It's about an enslavement power~grab to control you and your property.

  3. The 'if you liked your plan, you can keep it' applies to 95% of the insured country. It is only about 5% who are effected- those purchasing NOT through their employer etc,

    So why the big fuss?

    As Carney says:"If you are one of the 80% of the American people who receive insurance coverage through your employer or through Medicaid or Medicare or the Veterans Administration, this conversation doesn't apply to you. These reports do not apply to you. If you're one of the 15% of the American people who are uninsured entirely right now, this conversation does not apply to you. So, what we're talking about here is the 5% in the country who currently purchase insurance on the individual market."


    " So that's the universe we're talking about, 5% of the population. And I think the it's important to know that, because in some of the coverage of this issue in the last several days, you would think that you were talking about 75% or 80% or 60% of the American population. So there's that. "

  4. RM, It's millions of people, mostly middle class,

    Now they are getting gouged big time here. And who cares what the % is? HE LIED--ON PURPOSE.


  5. Funny how you never hear the GOP saying for 95% of people, all is the same.

    Yes, 0.1% is too much, but still suspect when no one on the GOP side says that 95% are unaffected.


  6. It's 19 million people, to be exact. And that doesn't include those who are losing, and will lose their employer sponsored plans. On top of that, those with employer sponsored plans are seeing huge cost increases as well. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. This thing will continue to be a disaster until it's eventually dead and buried. Or, until single payer is implemented.

    A guy called into Hannity yesterday, who's wife is due around the first of the year. Their coverage goes through the end of the year. $3000 deductible. The plan they can get through the exchange. Has a $10,000. Deductible. They're considering inducing labor in late December so they don't get stuck with the extra $7000 bill. They can't afford it. Imagine how many similar situations are playing out across the country.

  7. Do you think single payer will get in? That would need a whole round of legislation. Seems too far fetched at the mo.

    (btw, the other day I forgot to comment on the Bengals. Very hot team at the moment. A grade defence, QB not a great arm, but coming of age with good reads, all round good side. Could do damage)

  8. YES, single payer will get in unless the American people wake up and realize they are being scammed.


  9. Good Grief! Is anything that comes out of Obama's mouth true----ever?

    I never heard such a boatload of crap in my life. Pardon my language.


  10. No wonder I always push the mute button on Obama. This is just making me sick. What a crap ton of lies. The man has no conscience. Is America really going to let him get away with this?


  11. Martha,

    Show some respect for the president. What a mouth on you! Get a grip.

  12. That single payer video you linked is scary.

  13. Respect must be earned, even for presidents. I have zero respect for Barack Obama. I wish he respected the office, and Americans. But he doesn't.


  14. My husband and I are losing our employer based insurance in order to conform to the law. They assure us we will be able to get a similar plan, which is often codespeak for more expensive less coverage. I don't know about doctors or how much upheaval this will bring. Bonuses are paid at the end of the year, and if healthcare costs a lot more, we are concerned we will kiss the bonus goodbye.... This law is designed to take control of healthcare in America by the same "what difference does it make?" people who think they have the right to use the gov't to suppress their opponent's donations. Also the same people who think they have the right to choose winners and losers in the business world. Pretty soon they will want to use their power over the healthcare system in some nefarious way, and people who object will be considered greedy by the socialist-smoke-pot-whenever-you-want crowd.


  15. AZ

    Don't worry. Single payer will be here soon. Meanwhile, go on the exchange and get a tax credit, dude.

  16. AZ, plus, I think most of the people who buy individual insurance plans are the self-employed or small business owners. So it's another economic hit on them, but who's counting?

