Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Everything Historical you wanted to know about Government Shutdown that Obama Doesn't Want you to Know

H/T Donna Teubert

To start, there have been 17 other shutdowns in the history of our great nation, beginning in 1976.

What's makes this shutdown so different?

Well unlike Presidents Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush 1, and Clinton, President Obama refuses to sit down with Congress and work something out.

Here is a look at the shutdowns chronologically.

The data supplied for the chart below is from US Politics, Pete Williams at NBC News, and put together by Donna Teubert.

(RED=GOP and BLUE=Democrats)

Republican Presidents had 10 Government shutdowns lasting a total of 27 days (averaging 2.7 days per shutdown) The longest lasting shutdown with a GOP President being 10 days (Ford) with Democrat controlled Senate and House. There were 8 shutdowns lasting 14 days during the Reagan years. 6 of those shutdowns were under the same conditions as Obama has, control of the Presidency and the Senate with the opposite Party having control of the House – yet they averaged 2 days each.

Not counting this shutdown, Democrat Presidents had 7 previous shutdowns lasting 82 days (averaging 11.7 days per shutdown) 3 of those shutdowns lasting over 10 days were during the Carter years when Democrats controlled the Presidency, Senate, and House. The longest lasting shutdown was during the Clinton years over the Christmas/New Year holidays when the GOP controlled the Senate and House.

What does that say about negotiating skills?

If you'd like more specific historical data for each of the 17 shutdowns, Dylan Matthews over at the Washington Post has put together a great piece that will give you all that.

Next, we have a GREAT GRAPHIC that says it all in one picture:

H/T American Elephant

The BOTTOM LINE folks is that OBAMA IS WRONG and Congress is waiting for him to 'negotiate' IN GOOD FAITH just like the other Democratic and Republican Presidents did in the past.

try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others.

ALL 5 Presidents faced with the same issue...NEGOTIATED with Congress to end their shutdowns. Why does President Obama think he's SPECIAL?

He needs to stop the whining, MAN UP, and do the right thing.

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  1. Thanks Bosman and Donna.

    At one of my local news sites ( there is an online poll which was somewhat heartening - 35% blamed President Obama for the shutdown. But 31% blamed House Republicans, and only 3% number blamed Senate Democrats.

    But it is good to see this catching up with Obama, despite his childish dishonest and vindictive rhetoric, name-calling and refusal to take responsibility.


  2. One other thing. I have been watching KATU for news coverage about the shutdown. It has been overwhelmingly one-sided in blaming Republicans. (remember, I live in Portland) So it was nice to see that their attempt to cover for Obama failed.


  3. Bosman,
    Thank you so much for putting this article together so we can help get this message out. This shutdown has been outrageous! The Obama administration is picking and choosing how to spend the limited funds: spending more money to close national monuments to veterans - while opening national park to promote illegal immigrants, refusing death benefits to families of fallen heroes while spending a million dollars on ads, throwing homeowners out of their homes because they have homesteads on government land, etc. Obama certainly has his priorities in the wrong place.

  4. "Department of Veterans Affairs bought $1 million TV ad buy during shutdown"

    Read more:

  5. A dynamic missing from the "who's to blame for the shutdown" polls, is the reality that most Americans haven't noticed a difference. When a pollster asks the question, respondents will likely answer one way or another, but it's unlikely to affect their voting behavior more than a year from now.

    It would be similar to asking me what I think of fishing regulations in the Gulf of Mexico. I may have an opinion, but it won't affect my vote.

  6. I just saw another article comparing Reagan and Obama. "Reaganomics Vs. Obamanomics: Facts And Figures"
