Sunday, October 13, 2013

Britain introduces a Bill to help curb Illegal Immigration

You've probably noticed that I post articles on Britain and their immigration problems every chance I get. It's my belief that many of the problems Britain is having with their illegal immigrants are a COMING ATTRACTION of what we can expect if we don't secure our borders and put a stop to our looking the other way when it comes to enforcing our immigration laws.

These are just some of Britain's issues after years of trying to be politically correct when it comes to their immigration eventually need to CRACK DOWN or lose something you never thought you'd lose...YOUR IDENTITY:
Banks will have to check against a database of known immigrant offenders before setting up an account. 
The move is part of the Government's centrepiece Immigration Bill, which is introduced today.
Elsewhere, the bill will slash the number of grounds on which migrants can lodge an appeal, from the current 17 to just four - a move drawn up in response to the 12 years it took to deport radical cleric Abu Qatada. 
And, as previously disclosed, a new requirement will be introduced for temporary migrants such as overseas students, to make a contribution to the National Health Service. 
Immigration Minister Mark Harper said: "The Immigration Bill will stop migrants using public services to which they are not entitled, reduce the pull factors which encourage people to come to the UK and make it easier to remove people who should not be here.
"We will continue to welcome the brightest and best migrants who want to contribute to our economy and society and play by the rules. But the law must be on the side of people who respect it, not those who break it." 
The Immigration Bill will aim to curb the number of migrants who block deportation using Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, the right to a private or family life.
Private landlords will be required to check the immigration status of their tenants, to prevent those with no right to live in the UK from accessing private rented housing, while new powers to check driving licence applicants' immigration status will be introduced. 
Home Secretary Theresa May and Prime Minister David Cameron want to reduce net migration from non-EU countries to less than 100,000 before the next election in 2015.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. You really need to read up more on the joke immigration is in the UK.

    They are still bound to the stupid EU and it's 'human rights' legislation (have done since '98). All of the so-called 'tough' measure are laughable there. The human rights legislation is bended by loads of immigrants making 'right to a family life' making deportation horrendously hard + the Labour Gov in '97 to ride of something called the 'Primary purpose' rule, where spouses in 'marriages' across boarders (typically UK - S. Asia) no longer had to prove that there primary purpose in marriage was go get UK citizenship for their S. Asian spouses. This resulted in MILLIONS of immigrants from S. Asia added.

    ALso, the ONLY REASON the Conservatives are introducing token immigration gestures is that they are scare of UKIP- the UK Independence Party that are basically saying 'enough's enough'. They are a growing force and 'proper' conservatives.
    Do you research on UKIP- they are a legit force.

    BTW, while the BRITS are still in the stupid European UNION they can do NOTHING about mass EU migration.

    On JAN 1st, the doors open to potentially MILLIONS of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants- the EU law cannot prevent any EU country from putting any legislation to halt 'free movement' of EU peoples.
    From the UKIP site, with regard to the article's content you listed:
    " It will not sort out the problems with our borders or mass, uncontrolled immigration. This bill does nothing to limit the next wave of migration to the UK from Bulgaria and Romania when migration controls are lifted on January 1, 2014. Only outside the EU can we effectively control our borders. "

    The ONLY countries with 1/2 decent immigration laws are the likes of Australia.

  2. It's my belief that many of the problems Britain is having with their illegal immigrants are a COMING ATTRACTION of what we can expect if we don't secure our borders and put a stop to our looking the other way when it comes to enforcing our immigration laws. Britain unfortunately has become a shadow of it's former self over the past 20 years.

    It's like viewing the future through a window with the Ghost of Christmases yet to come in 'A Christmas Carol'. It's what will happen if WE DON"T CHANGE OUR WAYS.
