Friday, October 4, 2013

Ann Romney interview with USA Today: Doesn't rule out another campaign in her and Mitt's future (Auto-on video 10-02-13)

Nearly a year after her husband lost his bid for the White House, Ann Romney doesn't rule out the idea there could be another campaign in her future. 
Might Mitt Romney run for office again? 
"I don't know," his wife of 44 years told USA TODAY's "Capital Download," adding, "I certainly don't believe so," but not shutting the door entirely. "It would have to be an extraordinary experience for us to have to do that again." 
Then there's son Josh, who has considered running for office in Utah.
"I honestly could see Josh, at some point in his life" enter what is in some ways the family business. (His father was governor of Massachusetts, his grandfather governor of Michigan, and both were contenders for the presidency.) However, "I would caution my sons, at least, not to be involved in politics when your children are really young, and his children are," she said. "The advice his mother gives is: Not now. Maybe later."
Read the full story HERE and watch the interview below:

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  1. This is encouraging. We need more adults like the Romney's in politics. Right now, I just see a bunch of loud mouth children, who only want press time, and of course, donations, but have no real plan.

  2. Something extraordinary could bring them back. Well, I think that's what I will hope for. Because they are extraordinary people, and America still needs Mitt Romney.


    1. I agree.... and I hope Mitt Romney runs again .

  3. hahahaha....I love stirring the pot...Hey...didn't it take Reagan 3 tries? And you know what they say...Never say Never...

  4. Bosman my man, if you think Romney got any prayer at '16, well, I'm disappointed in you to say the least.

    1. Romney could well be our best chance at winning 2016.

  5. Never say never, especially in politics. Just keep in mind Romney is not one to just accept failure and walk away.

    If the economy tanks, don't be surprised, especially with this anemic GOP field, to see him make a late play.

    He has the advantages of running before and yes, it take Ronald Reagan three tries.

    Although he lost, in the 1950's, Stevenson was nominated consecutively against Ike.

    1. I agree. Even in this past election..... we had one good candidate... that being Mitt Romney.
      For 2016, our chances don't look well, with exception for another run by Mitt Romney. Romney could well be our best chance.

  6. Doug, glad to have you back! We need you around here!


  7. I was initially going to be a smart a**, but I'll just let you guys have your fun. Romney 2016! LOL. I'll even play along.

    1. I would by no means count him out... he could well be our best chance.

  8. Romney just store at the U of U Commencement and said he isn't running again. I hope her changes his mind, but I don't blame him. If a really extraordinary thing happens, maybe even people who don't like him will want him to run again, who knows? But I'm not planning on it. At the rate we're going the great divider in chief is going to instigate some of he and his colleagues beloved civil disobedience. Of course, it won't be so great when they are the targets.


    1. I'm not counting on it... but... I hope he changes his mind. He could well be our best chance. Not only if winning the election but righting the ship before it tilts over.

  9. I barrage of comments (myself included, admittedly) on the 'prospect' of a future Romney run.

    The epitome of sadness.

    File under the words 'living' 'in' 'the' 'past'

    1. No... we are simply hoping one of the most qualified men to run for President will run again.

      He could well be our best chance.

  10. Thanks Martha.

    I'll be popping in from time to time but taking a break from following politics too intensely right now.

    I feel very much like Yogi Berra when he said "it's like De Javu all over again."

    We are not living in the past in thinking Mitt might run again. Just having some fun.

    However, a late entry if the field is weak and the conditions are right wouldn't surprise. I want to be on record so I can say 'I told you so' later on. :)

  11. Hey Doug,

    Have missed you my friend. Hope everything is better for you now (after Sandy).

  12. Doug, Yes, we are just having fun. It's not likely, but stranger things have happened! And the fact is, he remains the best man for the job to this day.

    How are you doing? I hope well!


  13. Obama is the most arrogant SOB I can think of, unless it's Harry Reid. The both of have done more to wreck this country than any other two people in my lifetime. It's just sad how the American people let them get away with it.


  14. RW, it's not fun, it's depressing to think what we could have had. Obama is a child.


  15. Bos, Martha - All is good in Rockaway Beach post Sandy. Still don't have a boardwalk (used to be right outside my building) but hope to one next year. Good things are happening in the area and I've been busy at work as well.

    I'll be back, have no fear.

    Thanks again for your kind words...always nice to be missed.

  16. I never get any nice comments.

  17. RomneyMan

    I like your screen name. It's good of you to keep post-election. Perhaps deep down you are hopeful for a re-run as well.

    Hard to watch the BS going on with one of our best guys on the sidelines.

  18. Good to hear from you, Doug. You and I have had some epic battles, but I've missed your presence on the site. Glad to hear all is well.

  19. LOl = Epic indeed, but always enjoyable. You have a great sense of humor and your snark ability is one which I admire very much.

    A formidable adversary who might be surprised to know we agree on a lot more than you would think. :)

    Hope all is well with you and yours.

  20. RWN has essentially admitted himself that he is an idiot.
    So I guess you've got to give him some credit for that confession.
