Tuesday, October 8, 2013

America's Healthy Young aren't BUYING the Obamacare Hype

Obamacare “only works … if young people show up.” 
That’s from former President Bill Clinton in a recent MSNBC interview. 
It’s why Obamacare supporters and government agencies are trying everything from sports advertising to video contests to get young people in the game. 
But will those millions of Millennials show up and sign up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act?
A recent Reuters poll found Obamacare may not attract enough young people to keep costs low for others, despite a headline that asserts the opposite: “Poll shows healthy young adults may keep Obamacare afloat.” 
Monthly premiums under Obamacare will go up for young people in all 50 states, according to a study released Thursday by the center-right American Action Forum. Premiums will average more than $187 per month in 2014, up from $62 per month in 2013, a 202 percent increase, the study said.
Several Millennials told us why they won’t bother to sign up. 
“An entire generation is being turned into a part-time workforce” because of Obamacare, said 22-year-old Patrick Richardson, a senior at the University of Toledo in Ohio who considers himself fortunate to have health insurance through his employer. 
“When you do the math, it’s cheaper to pay the penalty, but that’s not the way the system was designed. It counts on young people enrolling, but young people don’t want any part of it,” he said.
Several people said they would rather cough up the $95 penalty in the first year for being uninsured than pay hundreds of dollars each month in premiums for Obamacare. 
“If we weren’t covered on our parents’ health insurance, my friends and I would pay the fine rather than pay for the higher cost of health insurance,” said Keith Leslie, a 23-year-old graduate student at Florida State University in Tallahassee still covered by his parents’ health plan.
Read the full story HERE.

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  1. http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2013/10/07/healthcaregov-kathleen-sebelius-editorials-debates/2939993/

    If youz cretins can't work the website, I suggest going on an elementary computer skills course.

  2. RomneyMan,
    Aren't young people supposed to be computer savvy? Better go back to the drawing board on excuses.

  3. Hello again Granny T!
    So nice to see you back here!


  4. May I take this opportunity to apologize for not being a Mormon.

  5. If I were younger and Single I wouldn't buy it if my premiums were costing me more than before under the old non-socialized health care.

    This is an IN YOUR FACE SCREW JOB by Team Obama to the young and healthy. Pay the penalty...If you need emergency medical attention, show up at the Emergency room like everyone else that doesn't want to pay.

    You can ALWAYS sign up later and CAN'T BE turned down even if you develop a major illness.


  6. That approach is morally wrong, and OB certainly don't play morally wrong.

  7. Bosman, exactly right. My 3 children who ages 20-24 are not going to buy it. No chance in you-know-where.

    My son, 28 has a preexisting condition, and is probably going to check it out.

    My own family is a little microcosm of what is wrong with the entire system.


  8. RomneyMan,
    Why are you apologizing to me for not being Mormon? I'm not Mormon either. My comment had NOTHING to do with religion! Like I said, you need another excuse! I'm friends on facebook with one of the computer techs that worked as an administrator for HucksArmy. He has been trying to sign up with Obamacare since day 1. If he can't figure it out, how can an average American? Some of his screen shots and comments are quite entertaining in light of your "excuse" being needing a computer class. rofl

  9. Marth,
    Hi! Thanks for welcoming me back. It's good to see you're still active.

  10. Granny, RM is a little off . . .


  11. Seems apologizing once was not enough, so again I express my heartfelt apologise for not being Mormon.
