Monday, September 30, 2013

Wayne Allyn Root: Was The 2012 Election Stolen By Obama And The IRS?

We've talked about this before.


But nobody's laid it out quite as succinctly as did Wayne Allyn Root on Saturday. Observe:

Find Wayne on facebook to tell him you agree.

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  1. lol

    Interesting how the two most affected: Romney and Ryan never utter a word eh?

  2. Not really interesting, but your comment isn't original either, so I can copy and paste from a comment under the #MittVindicated letter in answer:

    If you've been watching, you saw Ryan get very impassioned at the IRS hearings, and Romney in a recent interview talked about how upsetting it was to learn the IRS targeting of conservative groups wasn't just anecdotal but that it was going on the whole time. In private, I'm sure they can throw a fit if they like, but what would you have them do in public? Pull an Al Gore and demand a recount? That won't do any good. It's up to regular Americans to raise a fuss about the integrity of our elections.

  3. Okay, no worries.

    Can you kindly provide any links that categorically states that Mitt Romney, in his own words, declares that the '12 election was, uh, 'stolen'.

    I mean, he was affected the most yeah?

    I await your links.


  4. My head is spinning. Last week you claimed that those who were spied on by the IRS were a Libertarian Cancer that had to be thrown out of the party. This week, you change your tune.

  5. Instead of trolling, try leaving a comment about the actual content. Not Wayne Allyn Root fans? Discuss.

    Btw, I am the Tea Party. I resent that it was co-opted by the likes of Ted Cruz for his own personal wrecking ball parody and I don't love the spotlight seekers. What do I love? Small government that actually represents the people. Let me know when Cruz actually DOES something to that end rather than talking endlessly about it like our current president (because we need more talkers in Washington).

    I'm consistently conservative. You're consistently trolls. At least we're all true to our principles.

  6. Still reading garbage...

    Still awaiting the links.

  7. I'll try again for the hard of reading:

    Can you kindly provide any links that categorically states that Mitt Romney, in his own words, declares that the '12 election was, uh, 'stolen'.

  8. Make sure you say, uh, between points. It's very clever.

    "While discussing the IRS scandal, Romney said it is time that a special counsel be appointed to investigate. 'My own view is, that a a special counsel should be appointed. Because only a special counsel can investigate the administration,' he said."

  9. Again, please provide a link that says the words (presumably a video) such as 'the election was stolen' and coming directly from Romney.

    If you cannot provide any such link, I, and others, will be resigned to the fact that you are, uh, *yet another* bad loser who cannot accept that OB won the election.

    Again, provide Romney stating the 'stolen' words himself and your case is won.

    Simple really.

  10. lol, still waiting for the link.

  11. What's with the #MittVindicated thing after every one of your posts. Vindicated by who? 99% of America sees him for what he is. #LOSER.

  12. Provide him with the links Katrina

  13. "Provide him with the links Katrina"

    lol, please!!

  14. I don't understand why anything Romney said about it matters. Of course he's not going to go around whining that the election was stolen. Duh.

    The fact is that this video is true. Too bad the American people are either too stupid or too lazy to care.


  15. "Btw, I am the Tea Party. I resent that it was co-opted by the likes of Ted Cruz for his own personal wrecking ball parody and I don't love the spotlight seekers." Total non-sequitor.

  16. RW, "99% of America sees him for what he is. #LOSER"

    Not true at all. Simply your misguided opinion.


  17. Get us a serious candidate Martha and more people will care. Why should Americans care about game players?

  18. I think what bothers me most now, after the fact is that nothing has changed. Many targeted groups are still in limbo. The stalling and intimidation continues to this day. On purpose, of course. The investigation is either non-existent, or a sham. 2014 and 2016 are going to be a repeat unless American's wake up to the staggering corruption of Obama and co.

    We should know by now that what Obama wants, Obama gets. With no consequences.


  19. OJ, I don't know who can possibly be a good candidate for us. I'm very discouraged about it. Good men and women are not really wanted or noticed.


  20. We have a better field than last time Martha, take heart.

  21. OJ, I thought that about a year ago, but no longer think so. A clearer view of these guys leaves me wanting more-- a lot more. Now I'm the one waiting for the next Reagan. We simply don't have anyone with the charisma and smarts nec to overcome the media obsession with Hillary.


  22. Christie - used to like the guy, but he proved how vulnerable and unwise he is.

    Ryan - I still like him a lot, but I don't have any reason to think he has enough of what it takes to win a primary.

    Rubio - I still like him a lot, in spite of amnesty, but he's still deficient in the necessary experience.

    Cruz - no way
    Paul - no way
    Walker - lacks a lot
    Kasich, I like him personally, but he's weak as a candidate.

    Perry and Santorum are threatening to run and destroy everything, so there's that to look forward to. lol.


  23. "Of course he's not going to go around whining that the election was stolen."

    lol. Need I say no more.

    If the man at the top don't think it was 'stolen', may I suggest you stop 'whining' too.

    Get over it.

  24. Romneyman, you have a hard time processing info, I guess.


  25. I agree.

    Romney himself is all smiles. Not a word about 'stolen' elections.

    Hence it must have been stolen.

    Why? As a female on the internet said it was

