Sunday, September 15, 2013

These Union Hypocrites Want Obamacare for everyone except themselves

H/T Washington Fee Beacon

These SNAKES are doing an about face now that they're not exempt like they all thought they would be. Listen to..
President of the Laborers’ International Union of North America Terry O’Sullivan emphatically stated if Obamacare cannot be fixed it needs to be repealed Wednesday at an AFL-CIO convention in Los Angeles:

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1 comment:

  1. You have to laugh at These Hypocrite scumbags. They NOW want the Obamacare 'problems' fixed.

    By problems he means the Union Sweetheart deal that was never going to happen to begin with.

    In this short speech, He's basically asking Obama to save them from Obamacare but SCREW THE REST OF US.

    Maybe one of these OVERPAID AHOLES should have pulled themselves away from the Buffet tables long enough to READ THE DAMN BILL before supporting it.
