Monday, September 23, 2013

The Latest Rosy Unemployment Claims were BS...AGAIN!

H/T Joel2013
Last week at this time I wrote the column below that covered unemployment claims which fell to the "lowest level since 2006" because two states, a large one and a small one, didn't process all their claims due to a glitch in upgrading their computer system. 
And guess what? 
This week they had the same glitch. It worked so well last time, I guess Obama asked them to do it again. 
The likely culprits are Nevada and California judging by media reports of people upset because they didn't get unemployment checks.
For the record unemployment has risen in about a third of the states during this last period. And if you thought the economy was rosy, you missed the Federal Reserve announcement that active monetary stimulus measures are still in operation indefinitely. 
Of course if you read the MSM, you'd know none of this, which is the point I make below: 
Initial unemployment claims came out and, boy, there is great news. 
Two states had upgrades to their computer systems and that likely caused them to under report claims, according to Bloomberg. 
That means the media can report that “[j]obless claims in the U.S. declined last week to the lowest level since April 2006.”
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. So what we have here is a history of under reporting unemployment numbers by states with bogus excuses and a history of the mainstream media reporting a phony Rosy Picture to the public.

    It seems even when they find out the mistakes, rather than correct them, they try to hide them or don't report the corrections at all.....NICE huh?
