Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Ted Cruz: The Man Who Finally Killed the Republican Party

I don´t propose to understand completely the atmospherics of the Tea Party movement, but I do from time to time read the Tea Party blogs. Over at RedState, the mood has been strongly anti-Republican Party for quite some time, more so than anti-Democratic Party. Likewise, it seems that the "Establishment" has had just about enough of the schoolyard taunts that Cruz & Co. have thrown their way, and they appear to be fighting back. Chris Wallace alleges that Republicans have sent him opposition research on Cruz. If so, it wouldn´t surprise me.

The reality is we have two distinct political movements within the GOP and we can (should) no longer abide under the same banner.

I am a Burkean conservative. I believe in gradual change. I would apply that method to any problem of the day. I recognize that public policy is difficult and that good men fall on all sides of the issues. I recognize that I am not always right and that our country needs for its leaders to comprise and come togethor. I want the federal government to be reduced considerately but not overnight. I want the government to play a role in both domestic and foreign affairs but not as a crutch for our every societal failure. I am suspicous of liberals´optimism to fixing our problems through government, but I also concede that in many areas we do need government. I love my fellow Americans and respect their opinions even when I don´t agree and I want more than anything for my country to come togethor and solve our greatest problems.

I cannot hold that worldview and at the same time be associated with the Tea Party. This small segment of our society is made up of people who have little interaction with people with whom they disagree. They want their policies in place immediately and they are willing to sabotage the entire government in order to get it. They are rude and disgusting when referring to the other side. They don´t understand the dynamics of public policy and they are not interested in learning. They gladly choose to brainwash themselves by listening to media figures that have zero interest in making our country better.

I refuse to choose between Ted Cruz and Barack Obama. If the GOP wishes to be an adult party then I will support them. But I can´t vote for the Republicans if they want to be led by a bunch of children who scream at the top of the lungs when they don´t get their way.

When "conservatives" can cheer on a freshman senator as he leads a small band of House Republicans to shut down the entire government when that party neither holds the Senate nor the Presidency and when they do so for their own personal gain within the "conservative" movement, knowing full well that it will destroy the Republican Party, then I know that I share nothing politically with those same "conservatives."

It´s time to draw the line in the sand and quit pretending that we are all on the same team.

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  1. Ah, so Pablo was the one who contacted Mr. Hume to trash Mr. Cruz.

    I knew it would only be a matter of time before you came out of the woodwork to denounce the defunding (delaying) of ObamaCare.

  2. You're right, Pablo. We can't possibly have the unity we have all called for when there is a wing of our party (either leaning Libertarian or fully there) which seeks to overthrow our platform and replace it. When good men are divided, evil wins. That is what will happen in 2014 if we aren't careful. 2010 was not a victory of the Tea Party. It was a victory of the Republican Party because of a resurgence of Republican principles (low taxes, no taxation without representation). That was a Boston Tea Party movement I could get behind! It has since been co-opted by the Libertarian movement (much older and more of a menace), and there isn't much I can say about them except that they are clearly not Republicans and should stop pretending.

    I still believe what we need most is unity. If that means we have to cut out a cancer in order to save the rest of the body, let's do it. Tell the Libertarians we're keeping low taxes and small government and they can keep their anarchy and screaming fits.

  3. You won't have to choose between Cruz and Obama in 2016. There's always Hillary, and quite frankly, the party would be better off without you. That's not a hyperbole.

  4. "2010 was not a victory of the Tea Party." Hahahaha, the funniest thing i have heard in some time. Yeah gotta love the fantasy in the RINO world.

    Carry on your screeming fits against the party base Mrs. Lantz and keep on supporting ObamaCare and see how far it gets you. Good luck with your liberal antics to fund ObamaCare.

  5. BTW, well said RW, you are on a role!

  6. I find it hard to see how any reasonable person can disagree with the sentiments Pablo expressed here.

    The truth is that if the tea party worked, I would be all for it! But their tactics DON'T WORK! It doesn't matter how right they may be on most issues! The end result is that we move backward, not forward!

    I agree with Katrina--it was not the tea party that won in 2010, it was regular people waking up and saying no to Obama.

    It's clear people like Cruz and Paul are in it for themselves. They don't want to work together to achieve conservative policy. They want to grandstand! Hey, but if it worked, I would say okay. But it's not working!

    And I wholeheattedly agree that people like Rush, Levin, Palin, and co. do NOT have America's best interest first in mind. It's their own WALLETS that come first.


  7. Martha, you are loosing it. By trahing those who are against ObamaCare, you are essentially agreeing with Mr. Putin that America is no longer exceptional. Your camp does not believe that America is exeptional because it no longer supports capitalism and free markets in Health care. What a sad day.

  8. OJ, you and I agree on everything, if truth be told-with the exception of how. I don't agree that the Cruz way is the way to achieve conservative policy. It's not working. If it worked, I would be for it. And if it yet works, I will praise him and support him!

    I realize there aren't a lot of alternatives. I can't say that I am pleased with what is happening in the House. But I do agree with Pablo that to achieve anything we need to work together. Cruz and co don't want to work together. They want to light the house on fire.

    And again, it that worked, I would hand them the match. But there's this little thing called reality.


  9. You moderates are the problem NOT the people who actually were and are Reagan Conservatives. The Tea Party DID flip the House in 2010. Establishment Repubs are just democrat lite NOT conservatives. The Left went towards Fascism as Soros got rid of the JFK dems by not helping them to win with money and the Repubs went left to keep up.

    The answer to fixing our problems does not lie with establishment in the tank, paid off "yes I take bribes" crooks. The restoration of America depends on honest normal sane small gov people getting rid of the enemies of America that are progressives in both parties and controlling the media, the military and education.

    If people had been unafraid to talk about Obama's bona fides and past, he would not be in office. Playing patty cake with scum that want to destroy America is how we got in this mess.

    The Democrat Party has 71 members who are declared Socialists! Vermont's Senator Sanders is one. At least he got behind auditing the Fed which only happened due to Ron Paul. YOU PALE PASTELS WHO TRASH THE BOLD COLORS ARE THE REASON WE HAVE OBAMA.

    It should have been common knowledge what a Fraud Obama is. INSTEAD---The moderates ridiculed the Tea Party and birthers. The Clintons were the original birthers until Bill's pal, DNC Arkansas chair was murdered and a super delegate shortly later. You namby pamby uptight checkered pants Republicans did this to our party and helped Obama stay in power. You attacked the best thing to happen to the party since Reagan. You CERTAINLY are not out there being activists. The Moderates are too busy playing by the rules and living in bubbles to know what the average person is REALLY THINKING. THEY ARE AFRAID.

    I get threats and death threats daily. YOU SMUG SAFE RINOS DON'T BECAUSE YOU ARE ALL SUNSHINE PATRIOTS. https://scontent-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/1000322_4743157950665_1676292871_n.jpg

  10. I support the Constitution. I am not a "sunshine patriot" though I understand from the all-caps that you feel passionately about your name-calling. The fact is that those controlling the identity and name of the Tea Party today are NOT the same people who assured victory in 2010. If you refuse to acknowledge the evolution of that party, you will not understand my comments and you will comfort yourselves by calling me a "moderate" and "sunshine patriot." Like Martha said, we have to live in reality. The reality is always more nuanced than the talking points.


    I have never voted for Obama and therefore cannot be accused of being the cause of his position. Let's not take the few things we disagree on and make them the hill we want to die on. There's a real battle to be fought with a real enemy.

    The people who want to completely transform the Republican party platform ARE the progressives of the party, but they are not the enemy. The enemy are the socialists who have by and large succeeded in transforming America fundamentally. To say that people who don't support an all-talk freshman like Ted Cruz (the Republican version of then-senator Barack Obama) somehow support Obamacare is to be disingenuous at best. I'm sorry to see people I usually agree with so easily influenced by the incendiary remarks of people who should know better.

  11. RW, Lori Patriot, if I'm not mistaken, thinks Cruz is ineligible for pres since he was born in Canada. she also thinks Rubio is ineligible.

    I also resent her calling anyone who doesn't buy her crazy talk as pale pastels. She's ridiculous.


  12. Lori, LOL!!!! I must have missed the ceremony when all of those Democrats declared themselves socialists. Thanks for being a PATRIOT and enlightening us!

  13. I would really love it if this filibuster worked today. I wish the American people would actually call their reps today and say hell no to Obamacare. I'm going to do it to my dem senators.Not that it means much where I am from.

    But it's just wishful thinking. The best we can hope out of this is that it doesn't damage the GOP before 2014.


  14. Most disagree with Pablo's premise. Crus isn't a Republican Party leader. He does NOT represent the Party.

  15. Lori put it precisely right, highly smug to declare the death of the Republican Party. All from the Palinista crowd, too. Fringe and marginal anti-capitalists.

  16. True that libertarianism is not Republican. However, I do not wish to drive away those who love our Constitution and a small, limited government. There is a natural venn diagram overlap area of shared interests between the Republicans and Libertarians. And we do need to unite to reclaim our national sovereignty. MANY Democrats joined the Tea Party movement to get the Republican House that now blocks the runaway, rampaging anti-America Obama. The fact that Obama abused the IRS so flagrantly against the Tea Party proves how much is at stake to recover a free press and the integrity of our elections.

  17. Tea Party not at all uniform. South Carolina Tea Party supported Rick Perry. Texas Tea Party tried to primary rick perry. Texas Tea Party boo'd rick perry. State run media referred to Rubio as a Tea Party darling, and we have all witnessed the lack of glory or charm in rubio betrayals and backstabbing.

    Independence Hall of Philadelphia early in the 2012 GOP primaries endorsed Romney. Why didn't state run media call Romney the Tea Party darling? On 8/28/10 the Independence Hall Tea Party sent 28 buses carrying over 1500 Patriots
    to Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally. No other group sent more.

  18. I sympathize with the notion of the need for a stable government. A tyrannical government is NEVER a stable one, just like Mussolini making the trains run on time isn't a true virtue in context with his abominations.

    But I can imagine a gain and benefit from the abrupt cessation of graft and corruption. If and whenever possible, put me down for that hope and change.

    We have a communist, islamo-fascist regime in office, that stomps all over our American Constitution. Freedom invariably destabilizes despotism. I am for THAT. Pouty brats looking down their nose at the patriots who have delayed even greater doom and gloom ought to be cheered. Very smug to assume a holier-than-thou rubbish elitist posture like Pablo has putting himself above Tea Party, that is entirely not homogenized.

  19. i meant that patriots of Tea Party Movement ought to be cheered for uniting a band against Obama tyranny. they ought to be cheered for delaying doom and gloom.

    this is not the time for giving up. we are closer to victory. obama exposed on the world stage for who he is.

    it's truly sunshine patriot realm to quit, ever. and pablo suggested that very thing. "Abiding" is exactly what we SHOULD do now. Pablo utterly confused, and wrong.

  20. it is the act of a smug screaming baby to declare the republican party killed. pablo doesn't represent the party and can't speak for the party. seems like another media shill pretending to be a conservative, while covertly seeking to kill the Republican Party. Telling everyone to help obama divide and conquer the majority who love our Constitution and freedom-loving heritage is not wise or "balanced."

  21. i agree there is a distinct difference manifest among those who claim to be conservatives. some are communist 'progressives' who love Obama and ObamaCare, while the real Republicans and conservatives oppose ObamaCare and Obama, ms clinton, rubio. Cruz loves rubio. Think about it.

  22. ObamaCare written by David Rockefeller, not Romney. "RomneyMan" entirely wrong and discredited. :) Daivd Rockefeller is a nwo depopulation specialist.

    Not legal or Constitutional for Congress to create a 'medical' system, over which Congress has no oversight, utter nonsense. They cannot confer power above their own.

    ObamaCare is creating the lack of stability and loss of job creation, not the Tea Party striving to block ObamaCare. ObamaCare was stuffed down our throats, they didn't even let anyone read it.

    However, smug progressives are welcome to 'leave' the GOP, consider yourselves shown the door and way out.

  23. *you never were actually in

  24. Killing the Republican Party is a Pablo dream scenario. He's trying to disown his inner yearnings.

  25. http://www.commieblaster.com/obama/ Regarding socialism of Democrat Party

    This is the face of Aaron Alexis, the accused Navy Yard shooter [video]

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/16/is-this-the-face-of-aaron-alexis-the-accused-navy-yard-

    pic of shooter http://img.tio.ch/tio_common/multimedia/55/136/20min/__TFMF_2u4nmg55bioa5424kdhsxc45_6f02e38b-59ac-4097-a24f-05483c99a637_0_apertura.jpg

    Apropo Comment from LiberalsRNuts • 8 days ago −
    "I knew it, I f-ing knew it. I was right the entire time that this was a white racist tea party redneck from the south that is a member of the NRA. Someone call MSNBC."

  26. Prejudice is prejudice. Tea Party is a vast movement, cuts across party lines. Seeks national sovereignty, a limited federal government, and lower taxes. Not a radical concept in America, it is the Law.

  27. *Correction:
    Independence Hall of Philadelphia Tea Party early in the 2012 GOP primaries endorsed Romney. Why didn't state run media call Romney the Tea Party darling?

    On 8/28/10 the Independence Hall Tea Party sent 28 buses carrying over 1500 Patriots to Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally, and no other group sent more.

    This debunks either that 1) Romney is a radical RINO or that 2) the Tea Party is so extreme and fringe.

    It clearly exposes state run media bias, and their lack of journalistic integrity. It also dramatized a reality, that the majority want our Constitution and national sovereignty, lower taxes, limited federal government, and we REFUSE ObamaCare.

  28. Tea Party is as effective against ObamaCare as the local people make it. Pitch in, do your part, and stop whining, Pablo. Dissent is the American Way, stop trying to throw shame, a redflag tool of the smugness crowd. Establishment gave us NWO Bush family, and weak candidates like Dole and McCain. They are to blame for joining the Democrats in overspending. They have no moral authority, or platform from which to shake their fingers at themselves.

  29. I agree with this Burkean proposition: "a specialty at the service of sinister interests will itself become sinister." But he was an Irishman who moved to England.

    America is a different concept, we are not subjects of the crown. Our opinions are as valid as any coming from The Hill. We embrace our distinctions and relish tolerance. We traditionally warn against over identification. We support government by law, not by the whim of a majority, or by an elite, smugness-oligarchy crowd.

    We defy the concept of "perks of office." We adhere to the concept that we are equal before the law, NOT that Congressional staff gets special treatment and healthcare. Make them abide by the same law as the rest of us, that is what it means to be equal, we're equal before the law. Perk legislation in un-american.

    With this step we get better legislation.

  30. Pure Obama rhetorical jibberish to claim that 'equal before the law' obligates the government to make equal outcomes for people, or that it ignores factual differences between people. People who do not do their homework should not supervise those who excelled academically, which is the precise game of the ObamaCare snare. They offer bits of cheese only for the trap to spring and destroy us. America's genius has been the dignity of merit-based profit incentives, not communal stagnation and folly based on government favoritism, waivers, corruption, and graft that reduces the citizens to begging.

  31. *pure obama gibberish

  32. See. Now, this is what happens. Average Joe stumbles across this post, reads btp's rants, and concludes that the TP is nuts. Thanks btp!

  33. BTW, one horse towns might have single party systems, America cannot. One party system is a sure sign of the lack of freedom. People tend to have conflicts, if they are allowed to speak freely. Pablo's suggestions are primitive, backward, and degenerate. We need a big tent that includes all americans right now.

    Of course the Tea Party spars with the Republican Party! If so much of the Republican Party wasn't voting in block with Leftist "progressives," they could be relied upon to resist ObamaCare. The Democrat Party died with Obama, & the Tea Party struggles to select true patriot candidates for Republican office who love america, human rights, freedom, and our Republic. We cannot rely upon the shadow government. No reason for hunting dogs to chase a dead duck.

    Of course the Tea Party struggles for the soul of the Republican Party. So far they are the hope of resisting Obama and the ObamaCare-loving Democrats of the U.S. Senate as it stands today. Viva la patriot companie.

  34. Naturally embracing identification with "ringwingnuts" doesn't hamper our prestigious profile of ignorant puffed up snobbery.

  35. "I am not a member of the Tea Party." ~btp

  36. Highly low-brow to not comprehend that for some Democrats it is a bridge too far to associate too closely with the Republicans. The Tea Party allows for shared national survival interest to take priority over party affiliations. I welcome every single person who resists national suicide. I wish to wake up all to the reality of our distress. I want ALL to join hands. I have no trouble with my Republican roots, though clearly I am more socially moderate than some factions in my party. I want a lawful society from which prosperity springs, with goodwill toward all men (meaning men and women). With honor and respect for all men and women of goodwill. Lying about one's beliefs disqualifies a person to be a person showing goodwill toward others.

  37. People get respect who earn it. Agreed. The lack of goodwill exhibited by covert and shadowy infiltrators of our nation do NOT deserve respect, but defiance.

  38. *"prestigious profile of smugness" comment is meant as sarcasm, for those without a sense of humor

  39. "I am not a member of the Tea Party." ~btp

    Me either, but the casual observer still thinks YOU, and by extension, WE are loons. Thanks again.

    It's like you have 50 topics floating around in your head at any given time, and lack the ability to focus on one thing at a time.

    And the fact that you used half of your postings to bitch about OCare, yet still slam the guy who's doing the most to fight for you on this matter makes you certifiable.
