Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saudi Cleric tries to get a RISE out of his Listeners

A Saudi cleric was caught on video tantalizing his many listeners with an account of just how many “black-eyed virgins” they get in the afterlife — and he also shared what he believes will happen to the “earthly” wives of the men. 
“If you get married in this world, then [in paradise], you get your wife from this world, along with 70 black-eyed virgins with whom you are allowed to have sex, and each of these 70 virgins comes with 70 servant girls,” the cleric said with a smile. “So how many women do you get? That’s the minimum.” 
Seventy times 70 is 4,900.
Read the full story HERE and watch the video below:

Of course...ALL BETS ARE OFF...if you're naughty and get shot with one of these:

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  1. If pigs could fly photo is hilarious.

  2. I find it awfully strange that Muslims idea of heaven is based on how many times and by how many beautiful women a male is going to have sex.

    Isn't there a place there for women who aren't Virgins as most married woman aren't? What does Allah have in store for them? What is their reward or do they continue to be second class citizens like they were on earth?

  3. It does make a person wonder whether heaven even exists for muslim women. If they aren't virgins do they end up in hell? Of course, being a virgin who exists to service the requirements of a former suicide bomber seems hellish to me, also. Neither position appeals to me, so I wonder if muslim women are happy with their idea of the next life?


  4. Just so utterly sick sick sick.

    Islam is NOT a religion, IMO.


  5. I wish the leftists, including the feminists who are so gosh darned concerned with free birth control, would give a gander over to what Muslim women suffer around the world.


  6. Hear, hear, Martha. I absolutely agree.

