Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Rasmussen: 51% Favor Government Shutdown Until Congress Cuts Health Care Funding

Ted Cruz and Mike Lee were right all along. This is a fight worth having. Even if it wouldn't be enough to completely halt the implementation of ObamaCare, it keeps the unpopular law at he top of the headlines for discussion. The more ObamaCare is discussed, the more unpopular it gets. Even staunch Obama supporter, Warren Buffett, wants the entire law scrapped.

Be sure to read the entire poll. Lots of interesting results.
....Some conservative Republicans in both the House and Senate are refusing to approve a budget unless it slows or stops funding for the health care law, but the president and most congressional Democrats are adamantly opposed to any such cuts. However, 51% of voters favor having a partial government shutdown until Democrats and Republicans agree on what spending for the health care law to cut. Forty percent (40%) would rather avoid a government shutdown by authorizing spending for the health care law at existing levels.....

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  1. By the way, I recently found out my premiums, co-pays, annual out-of-pocket minimum, and deductibles are all going up significantly. In addition, the plan is going from 90/10 to 85/15. My employer (Fortune 100 company, states that it's due to ObamaCare.

  2. Thanks RW, hopefully, my stupid Congressman will put that in his pipe and smoke it!

  3. I strongly agree with the 51% here; better to "shutdown" the government than get a merciless massive tax burden and then less medical care. No sense in creating a system less trustworthy than what we have now.

    Under ObamaCare there is far less recourse when one is abused. Nazi health care cannot and must not get funding.

    ObamaCare is extremely unwanted even by Congressional staff. The unions who've booster club'd the effort to pass a bill before it was even read also refuse it now. Defund the takeover.

    Congress cannot pass their power to another "healthcare" system, one that they'll not have the power to oversee. This is illegal and a highly evil idea.

  4. Pay more to get less? Bad idea.

  5. IRS not created or meant to bully citizens and to police the bureaucratic homesteading of corrupt and degenerate politicians in their positions of power. In a Republic the law governs, not red tape and a tyrannical system of exemptions.

  6. Major Drinkage of the KoolAid in lobbyist feeding frenzy ObamaCare system. Don't drink their poison, and defund ObamaCare.

  7. This is not enough. Granted I only glanced at the results because I'm on my way out the door. But until there is overwhelming support for a government shutdown proven in many polls, this is only going to end up hurting Republicans in 2014.

    Obama knows how to play this game better than we do. Shutdown is still a trap.


  8. Probably the 51 percent of people who are slated to pay for their own healthcare and everyone else's as well....

  9. P.s. That last post was mine. I haven't responded to a comment you made some time ago,RW, where you pointed out that we agree quite often on policy just not so much on those we would choose to represent us. That is true. We are both definitely concerned about the Constitution and the limitations it places on gov't to restrict big gov't from taking away our individual liberty. I am less critical of those who are more moderate than me because I'm concerned that many might judge me as moderate (I am a huge Romney fan, remember?) and try to cleanse me from the party. I think some of these divisions are blown up by talk show hosts and liberal media to divide us from seeking common cause together while Obama and Nancy Pelosi and others of their ilk milk the gov't bennies low info voters for all they are worth. I think most of us wish we had a President Romney right now who at least recognizes Putin and the Islamic jihadists as greater dangers to our country than the opposition party in Congress. Pathetic!


  10. AZ,

    I just want folks on our side to fight. The other side always does. And they win most of those battles too, because GOP leadership almost always caves. BHO never backs down from a fight, and he's succeeded in implementing much of his leftist agenda by hook or by crook. ENOUGH!

  11. Just to add.....Romney fought for 60 minutes (in the first debate), and showed that he's actually capable. The next day, he soared in the polls. Then he stopped fighting. Why? If he would have stayed to course, he'd be in the White House right now.

  12. Not trying to fight with your assessment of the debates, but I did want to point out that Mitt was heading somewhere with Benghazi when the mediator intervened and protected Obama from Mitt. That was impossible to recover from....

    Romney is a very even tempered guy, which can frustrate people who want more emotion displayed, but having a cool head can be useful in the White House, I suppose.


  13. He had a cool head in the first debate, but still put a whopping on Obama. His strategists probably told him to play it safe from that point on. He should have overruled them. They made the mistake of thinking they had it in the bag. He didn't really want to talk about Benghazi after that. In fact, he agreed with Obama on more things than not in the third debate. Inexplicable.

  14. RW, I've heard you say this about that debate many times before and I just don't agree with you. You expected Romney to be perfect every time he opened his mouth, but that's not realistic! He did very well in that debate, but AZ is right--he was thwarted. He didn't quit or refuse to fight at all.

    But I want Republicans to fight, too. To bad they don't have the media helping them out the way they do for Obama! We have to live under the conditions we have, not the ones we wish we had. Therefore, we have to play smart, not just hard.


  15. The MOrmon love affair with Romney continues.

  16. Well Martha, why did not your man play smart after the first debate?

  17. Romney clearly demonstrated the ability to go on the attack in the GOP debates, and again in the first presidential debate. His soft persona in the 2nd, and especially in the 3rd debate was deliberate. Either that, or he was off his game, which I have a hard time believing. He proved himself to be a capable debater over the course of the entire campaign.

  18. Further RW, he did not have much trouble debating his follow Republicans in the primary, but when it came to debates #2 and # 3, he sort of forgot how to debate all of a sudden.

  19. That's basically what I'm saying. No problem smearing Newt, Santorum, or Perry, but kid gloves when it came to the most left wing President in our history.

  20. Oh brother. All a matter of perspective I guess. I didn't think Romney let up at all. Yes, that one debate was spectacular, though.


  21. "He had a cool head in the first debate, but still put a whopping on Obama. His strategists probably told him to play it safe from that point on. He should have overruled them. They made the mistake of thinking they had it in the bag. He didn't really want to talk about Benghazi after that. In fact, he agreed with Obama on more things than not in the third debate. Inexplicable."


    Wasn't Romney advised by Petraeus not to talk about Benghazi for security reasons. Of course they had something on Petraeus, his affair, but this information was leaked anyway.

  22. RM continues to show his true colors. There are plenty of very loyal supporters of Mitt who continue to feel upset that he didn't make it to the Presidency, a place we feel he is uniquely qualified to fill. One of those avid supporters is Bosman, who, last time I heard is not a Mormon, but is from Massachusetts. It's a good thing Mitt had many other passionate supporters who aren't Mormon, since there aren't enough Mormons to make much of a difference in an election.

    My opinion of you is really low, RM.


  23. lol, and let me *guess*, you're a Mormon?
