Saturday, September 21, 2013

Psychedelic and uninformative Obamacare Ad features a Flying Carrot and no Health Care information at a cost of $3.2 Million to Taxpayers

New Obamacare ads targeting Oregon residents never mention health care reform or the system's new health care exchanges opening Oct. 1, and instead feature psychedelic Images of people flying through the air singing, “Long live Oregonians, we’re free to be healthy.” 
The so-called “Free” ads cost $3.2 million. 
“Taxpayers are on the hook for $3.2 million for acid-trip TV ads promoting Obamacare in Oregon. Devoid of information about the state exchange, Oregon's newest Obamacare ad features absolutely no information about the health care law and what enrolling in the state exchange means,” said the group. They credited for pointing out the ads.

Read the full story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. I was going to post something about these CoverOregon ads, so I'm glad you did Bosman.

    First, they are kind of brilliant. They actually have ME singing along. 'Long love the Oregon spirit, long live the Oregon way . . .' Ha ha.

    It's about 10 million of your money now, including all of the ads. They run ALL the time. (They actually do have some that tell people what to do.)

    Sign up everyone! It's all sunshine and roses! At least until you find out what's on the other end of the sweet music and happy talk . . .

