Wednesday, September 18, 2013

President Obama seems to think Republicans are standing in the Way of his Efforts to Redistribute Wealth

The president has powers to fight income inequality, President Obama argued in an interview broadcast Sunday, adding that Republicans in Congress have hobbled his efforts to do it. 
Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Obama acknowledged that the wealthiest Americans have benefited disproportionately from the economic recovery of recent years. But he was quick to add that much of that trend is due to globalization, technology and, not least, the GOP's opposition to his economic agenda — all factors he suggested are beyond his control.
"I think the president can stop it," Obama said, when asked about the growing income gap. "The problem is that there continues to be a major debate here in Washington, and that is, how do we respond to these underlying trends?" 
Obama promoted his efforts to increase funding for education, infrastructure, and research and development programs, and he trumpeted his push to reform the tax code to discourage outsourcing.
"It doesn’t solve the problem entirely, but it pushes against these trends," Obama said. "And the problem that we’ve got right now is, you’ve got a portion of Congress whose policies … just want to, you know, leave things alone. They actually want to accelerate these trends."
Read the rest of the story HERE and listen to the Obama interview below:

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  1. Stop calling him PRESIDENT Obama.

    HE absolutely was born in KENYA.

    Any paper before 2006 SAYS KENYAN BORN when they wrote a story about him and he never complained until he had presidential aspirations and then all of a sudden he secretly started correcting them and got Google somehow to break links to those articles.

    But a Kenyan paper from 2004 STILL has the truth about Obama and Facebook wont even allow it to be linked to!! Any other story on their site can be linked but that one! Hows that for a cover up?

  2. Yeah, I think the reason why the uploader described the subject as 'President Obama' may have something to do with this:

  3. Well shame on Republicans for not letting Obama better practice and perfect his socialist ways.... Individual achievement, Individual initiative..Nah....Obama wants us to start thinking...Collectively.

  4. He's asking those that can afford it, not those earning a hundred thousand bucks, but those earning way more, to just pay a little bit more into the system.

  5. RomneyMan, and you bother posting here why?


  6. If his plans for redistributing wealth are so effective, why is the distance between the poor and the rich worse than during all recent administrations up to at least Carter's? Maybe it had something to do with all of the gov't money flowing to the rich Obama donors, you think?


  7. Is it really a case of 'redistributing wealth'?

    I mean, much, much of the (little extra) dollars that millionairs and those near as dam as it (note, not 100,000 buck earners)into the system goes on other services- and not just to help out dole bludgers.
    Defence, building roads, infrastructure, IT, veterans- many who fought for the country that the mega buck people enjoy (and partook in zero service) etc. Even the multi millionaires (whom are asked to pay just a touch more) quite like driving on decent roads.
    It's a myth that paying a touch more (but only if you're earning mega bucks) all goes to those whom don't want to work by choice.
