Tuesday, September 24, 2013

LIVE COVERAGE from the U.S. Senate Floor

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  1. What good did this do? I don't see a benefit yet. Cruz and Lee are out in the cold. Paul slipped in at the last minute to grab some face time.


  2. From what I understand, delaying the vote only gives the House less time.


  3. Cruz was only there because freedumbworks paid his bills. And his nutty followers who won't think for themselves, were commanded by Levin and Palin to worship him. He accomplished NOTHING but proving what a blowhard, uncompromising bigot he is.

  4. If only here were a Mormon yeah.

  5. He accomplished NOTHING but proving what a blowhard, uncompromising bigot he is.

    Ah...more bigot baiting from one of our resident Mormons.

  6. So far Mr. Cruz outlasted Pablo and Martha, but so far he is still standing in the Senate. We are still waiting for Martha and Pablo to come up with their own plan to defund ObamaCare, but all we hear is silence.

    I am just waiting for them to play the Birther card.

  7. Yes, it is funny RW how the same people who lectured the rest of us for being anti-Morman bigots have no trouble lining up behind those who spread bigotry against Hispanic Canadians. I guess when one cannot debate the issues, they can no longer act serious. In some regards it has been interesting and entertaining watching the heads of moderates and liberal explode. You can't make this stuff up.

  8. When Mormons run out of things to say, they just throw out the bigot card. They did it throughout the GOP primary process, which probably resulted in many voters being turned off from Romney. It's similar to being called a racist for opposing ObamaCare. Do you support OCare, Ellie? Why do you think Cruz is a bigot?

  9. Romney's supporters are partially responsible for his loss, as a result of all of the "bigot" nonsense. Every time I see that, I get enraged.

  10. Yes, it is funny how a camp that could not beat Mr. Obama in the general election is now lecturing us on tactic. If the tactics of the GOP establishment were so good, Mr. Romney would be Predisent, the one-man Wrecking crew would be VP and the GOP would be controling the Senate. Riiiight, there tactics worked so well in 2012.

  11. "From what I understand, delaying the vote only gives the House less time." That is irrelivant.

  12. The last thing people who are losing their jobs and/or insurance care about is how much "time" the House has. Some people have apparently never lived in the real world.

  13. Yeah, I guess the party establishment types do not care if they have to pay more money for less health care. They figure, what is wrong with a little cronyism. Ah, welcome to the new America.

  14. OJ, "I am just waiting for one of them to play the birther card"


    "Yes, it is funny RW how the same people who lectured the rest of us for being anti-Morman bigots have no trouble lining up behind those who spread bigotry against Hispanic Canadians"



  15. Goodness, guys. Calm down. One anon poster and you go nuts. I didn't write that or agree with it. I have no idea how Mormonism got into this post. lol. I have no idea if Mr Cruz is a bigot, and I don't care.


  16. No Martha, we are not going nuts, we are not playing the Birther card like some of your establishment friends who pretend to play Conservatives On Foxnews and PBS.

  17. BTW, 19 hours and still going strong.

  18. "Yeah, I guess the party establishment types do not care if they have to pay more money for less health care. They figure, what is wrong with a little cronyism. Ah, welcome to the new America."

    I agree with you there, OJ. But it's the democrat party establishment who feels that way. By and large, Republicans don't. How many times have they tried to repeal the ACA? 40 or something like that I think.

    We don't have the senate or the white house. Not much we can do as things are. Too bad we don't live in the fantasy world.


  19. "No Martha, we are not going nuts, we are not playing the Birther card like some of your establishment friends who pretend to play Conservatives On Foxnews and PBS."

    I honestly don't know what or who you are talking about.


  20. martha,

    You and I both know that was your friend, Ellie.

  21. Why were you not calling out Boehner for scheduling the 40 votes to defund OCare. Waste of time, right?

  22. You honestly do not know what I am talking about??? How about all the GOP establishment types going on TV trying to claim that the 'Hispanic Canadian is able to run for President.' First, he is not my very first or even second choice for President, but to play the Birther card on TV instead of discussing ObamaCare (you know, the topic at hand) just illustrates yet again how unserious the GOP establishment is these days.

  23. By the way, Cruz has had plenty of support on the floor from many other Republican Senators and House members. The leadership and a handful of rinos are the problem. Even if the defunding doesn't happen, we may get a one delay out the deal. If that happens, you can thank Cruz. But you won't.

  24. The 'classical' playing cards are 1) The racist card 2) The 'offended' card 3) The gender card 4) The Mormon card.

  25. Honestly, I don't see the upside for democrats to die on the ACA hill. You would think at least some would just admit it's a train wreck and at least try to fix some of the major issues.

    At the very least, they ought to agree to postpone it because it truly is a disaster. Are there any decent democrats left?


  26. Martha seems to give the Speaker of the House a pass. He makes me ashamed to be an Ohioan!

  27. OJ, I have not seen that at all. Sure I guess there was one guy mocking him for his dual citizenship. But he was a leftist, I think.


  28. Well, I am glad you have a bit of a better understanding than some Martha, it should be a no-brainer to delay ObamaCare.

  29. RW, Cruz doesn't have a lot of support. Not from anything I've read anywhere. It is not a handful of RINOS. The vote will tell you today.


  30. "But he was a leftist, I think." Well than I guess there was one leftist as well as two Rightists (at least they claim to be Rightists.)

  31. My feelings are that we have come to a point in the road with very very few options. The best we can hope for is to delay. And hope that we get lucky in 2014. Because we can't wait until 2016. It's too late by then.


  32. "Cruz doesn't have a lot of support." Even the RINO speaker of the House realizes that the American people support Mr. Cruz. It was no happenstance that the Speaker decided to delay the funding of ObamaCare all of a sudden last week.

  33. He's had about 10 Senators join him on the floor. More would if it were not for weak leadership. All it would take is for a green light from McConnell and Cornyn.

  34. OJ, I think you have a point there. Boehner realized he had to try to satisfy some his caucus. But I don't think it can be interpreted as Americans supporting Cruz specifically. Apparently, democrats are not getting the phones calls Cruz hoped for. I sure wish they were though.


  35. RW, to what end. It not weak leadership at all. It's pointless.


  36. Apparently, democrats are not getting the phones calls Cruz hoped for. - Martha

    Your source for this???

  37. The quest to deny the vulnerable health care in the world's most developed country.

  38. I must admit, I am amazed that someone can stand there and talk about one topic for nearly 24 hours. No food, no chair, no bathroom....

  39. RW, I know! I was just thinking that myself.

    I think the story was written by Betsy Woodruff. Might have been at the corner.


  40. "Boehner realized he had to try to satisfy some his caucus." The American people voted for his caucus. However, a significant portion of we the American people will vote Libertarian in 2014 if the Speaker of the House does not fly right and fast.

  41. "no bathroom...." Shhhhh, that is one reason I and other are not in the Senate. I can hold it for several hours, but certainly not 20!

  42. LOL, Martha. Woodruff's sources are the Dem Senators themselves. Of course they're going to say thay haven't received many calls!


  43. RW, yes, they would lie, of course. But if they are receiving calls we will eventually know it.

    Do you really think they are? Because I don't. I highly doubt that they are.


  44. Plus, I don't think even Republican senators are. I also think we would know that.

    Like I said, I wish they all were! Americans are asleep.


  45. He's getting close to breaking the record for the longest speech on the Senate floor. Unless he hits the wall, he's going to break it.

    The record for the longest filibuster goes to U.S. Sen. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina, who spoke for 24 hours and 18 minutes against the Civil Rights Act of 1957, according to U.S. Senate records.

    Thurmond began speaking at 8:54 p.m. on Aug. 28 and continued until 9:12 p.m. the following evening, reciting the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, President George Washington's farewell address and other historical documents along the way.


  46. Believe me, they must be getting calls, many of us have had a difficult time getting a hold of our Senators. I waited almost 20 minutes (at least not 20 hours) to get a hold of of my Senators office through the Capital switch board to leave another message.

  47. "I don't think even Republican senators are." Then they are not answering their phones.

  48. When one is on a mission to deny the vulnerable and those who had the unfortunate 'shame' of having a pre-existing condition health care, well, you'd be surprised how long one could go without the rest room

  49. Then why are very few people with pre-existing conditions signing up for health care now?

  50. It's like 'you work hard on construction in that tough job, for a very low wage. How dare you expect healthcare!'. Oh, but can't I just join one of those health exchanges? I've heard that we're all kind of grouped together, and this will enable me to access healthcare that's previously been beyond me. I've been playing the 'fingers crossed method', especially with this bad knee of mine'. 'Bad knee, bad knee and a low paying job?' 'How dare you have the audacity to expect health coverage!'

    Now that, some may say, is *worth* skipping the rest room for a few hours for.

  51. Employer sponsered health care generally covers pre-existing conditions. Since millions of Americans are already losing their jobs and/or insurance, I would argue that OCare is detrimental to those with pre-existing conditions.

    Furthermore, these people who recently lost their insurance will likely pay the fine, because they won't be able to afford the premiums, which will result in a further deterioration of their health.

    Eventually, they will have no choice but to sign up for coverage and visit a doctor and/or emergency room. That scenario will play out over and over, and will bankrpupt the system within a few short years.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. In addition to that, I don't believe for a second that young people will sign up. They will simply agree to pay the fine. And since employers are now reluctant to hire full time employees, the newly hired young adult is far less likely to carry an employer sponsered plan. In short, there will be just as many uninsured Americans, if not more, under ObamaCare. It's a "train wreck," and you know it.

  54. Well said RW, the number of uninsured has grown under Mr. Obama.

  55. I have to admit that this is an amazing feat to speak this long so coherently.


  56. Yes, great job etc.

    BUt don't be fooled by the " ‘Until I Am No Longer Able To Stand’" Which means the 12pm time that he knew from the get-go it would be, not some dragging out by the meds or collapsing job.

  57. Could be that he didn't know if he would make it till noon when he started.

  58. Seems I missed all the fun, as usual. Not happy about all the Mormon comments on this thread. RM it's being his usual self. What an obtuse person he is. There are many good ways to approach the health care problem. Obama's way is not one of them. What have us the first clue? The President and people on capital hill have exempted and subsidized themselves out of it. They have created themselves to be a ruling class, telling us "little people" what we are required to do, and then not living the laws themselves. I will be more inclined to believe in this glorious healthcare plan RM wants when Congress and the Pres. have to live under the same laws I do.

    The law is definitely establishing the power of the politicians and unelected bureaucrats over every aspect of our
    lives, and I don't want to yield this power to them.

    P.S. I hope Cruz has done some good. This law is bad and even many lefties and social justice Catholics are awakening to that fact.


  59. AZ,

    Then you need to start calling out your Mormon friends when they throw out the bigot card without cause. Until then, your protests ring hollow, with all due respect..
