Sunday, September 29, 2013

EXPECT your Insurance Costs to Soar dispite government assurances that they won't

While the administration maintains that ObamaCare will make health insurance more affordable for Americans, experts say that won’t be the case across the board – and some people could see their rates soar. 
On Wednesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius released an overview of premiums and plan choices, saying “For millions of Americans, these new options will finally make health insurance work within their budgets.” 
The administration also said premiums would generally be lower than what congressional budget experts had estimated during debate on the legislation. 
But former Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Holtz-Eakin said Thursday, “unfortunately you can go all through that HHS report and not be able to answer the most important question: will my insurance rates go up in 2014?" 
"They cherry picked the data in order to highlight the fact that people of low income will benefit under the law," adds Avik Roy of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, a New York-based think tank. "But people of middle income will not. And they didn’t really talk about that." 
The new law requires the addition of what it calls essential benefits -- a list of things that must be covered and which make insurance more expensive than it is now.
Read the rest of the story HERE and view the accompanying video below:

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  1. As Many go to the Exchanges on October 1 (Many after being told if they like their current Plan..THEY COULD KEEP IT!), I expect many will experience sticker shock.

    Make sure you pay close attention to DEDUCTIBLES and CO-PAYMENTS. These will send what many think may be a fair price THROUGH THE ROOF. These plans are based on you and your family not needing to use them...STAY HEALTHY MY FRIENDS OR ELSE..$$$$$$$$$$...

  2. You don't have to be kicked to the exchanges to experience higher deductibles and copays. Many have, and will be getting notice from their employer notifying them of the significant increases in cost. I got mine about 3 weeks ago! I figure it will cost my family at least $500, and perhaps as much as $3000 MORE per year, when you factor the higher copays, deductibles and increased maximum out of pocket.

  3. And the vulnerable may finally have easier and more affordable access to healthcare.

    My, we can't have that eh?

  4. RM,

    Why should I have to pay for their health care? Furthermore, Many are losing their jobs and/or health care. Are you OK with that??

    It won't be long before only the very rich and very poor will be able to afford coverage.

  5. Trash

    a) There are some with pre existings. They will be available to entre the exchanges and purchase (previously denied) healthcare. Note the words 'purchasing it' (themselves)

    b) It would be a good day for those in jobs they hate, but fearful of leaving as they would get dropped from coverage. The prospective small business start up can now take a risk with their capital. Pro business start ups. Again 'purchasing' their own.

  6. RM, nice effort, but i'm not convinced that even you are sold on this.
