Saturday, June 1, 2013

The King of Stupid: We need Immigration reform so that Illegals get 'the dignity they deserve'

H/T Joel2013

You can't make this shit up:
Vice President Joseph R. Biden suggested to a crowd in Trinidad on Tuesday that it’s a shame the United States doesn’t give proper respect to nations of the world by allowing immigrants unfettered access to American citizenship. 
He also said: “It’s about time, and the president and I have been calling for this for a long time, even back in the days when he was a senator and I was in the Senate. It’s about time they’re afforded the dignity they deserve.” 
Mr. Biden reiterated: “It’s about time — it’s about time we reform the system and afford them the dignity they deserve.”
Read the full story HERE.

I didn't know that dignity was deserving to those who break the law.

I think dignity is deserving to those who migrate here LEGALLY and those waiting to migrate here LEGALLY.

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  1. I've always wondered why Congress couldn't insist that this clown be mentally evaluated.

  2. That's not much different than what Rubio has been saying.

  3. You can't pull a draw and expect to take the title away from the Champ.
