Sunday, June 2, 2013

The current Immigration Bill proposal would over stress our Entitlement Programs

H/T Joel2013
Much of the fight over illegal immigration isn’t about immigration at all, but rather over the generous social safety net that has sprung up in the past five decades, and which has proved to be a major sticking point in voters’ minds as Congress contemplates a legalization.
While Americans appear increasingly ready to accept legal status for illegal immigrants, they are less sanguine over the prospect of having to pay for welfare, Medicaid, Social Security and Medicare benefits for those immigrants. 
Steven A. Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies, which wants a crackdown on immigration, said that when one cuts through all the numbers, it comes down to education levels: Only 10 percent of native-born Americans lack a high school degree and just 20 percent of legal immigrants also lack one.
But a shocking 53 percent of illegal immigrants haven’t completed high school, he said, and workers with those qualifications — whether native-born or immigrant, legal or illegal — are a net drain on the government.
Mr. Camarota said even if policymakers do follow Mr. Holtz-Eakin’s advice and change the entitlement system, they will still end up shielding the poor from the changes. And since most illegal immigrants are poor, that means legalization will only be adding a larger number of folks who cannot be touched by benefit cuts.
Read the whole story HERE.

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1 comment:

  1. There is no way it wouldn't over stress our entitlement programs.... THEY ARE ALREADY OVER-STRESSED !!!!!!!!
