Thursday, June 6, 2013

Op-ed: Screwing America yet again

Screwing America yet again 
By: Diane Sori

In the Rose Garden yesterday, sans a Marine holding an umbrella over his narcissistic self, Barack HUSSEIN Obama happily slapped Republicans in the face by naming Susan ‘It was a YouTube video’ Rice to the influential foreign policy position of National Security Advisor, replacing the retiring Tom Donilon, the man many suspect of being the source of the leaks coming from the White House.

And meeting the number one qualification for the post of Obama’s National Security Advisor being the ability to bold-face lie to the American people without even cracking a smile, Susan Rice smugly accepted this powerful position that does NOT require Senate confirmation…a confirmation she most likely would NEVER get.

And why…because for one, Susan Rice was the very person who willingly went on the Sunday talk show circuit after the attack and knowingly spewed out the Obama rhetoric and lies that the attack was triggered by spontaneous protests over an anti-islam video..something we know and always knew was NEVER the case. And for that lack of judgment in agreeing to participate in what turned into a three-ring circus, Susan Rice should have been disqualified for any governmental position of power…and she would have been if we had an honorable president as steward of our country instead of who we have.

And to make this worse, Susan Rice as our National Security policy maker is quite laughable for this woman is a walking international disaster. Besides her involvement in the lies that are the hallmark of the Benghazi cover-up, Rice’s tenure as U(seless) N(ations) Ambassador has been questionable at best as she has been publicly criticized for NOT showing up for work, including at times when she was needed for critical votes and debates. Rice also led this country’s involvement in the disastrous joke of a Human Rights Council, as they continue to butt into sovereign countries affairs every chance they get…case in point being the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, of which they of course side with the non-existent Palestinian people over Israel.

So this is the woman who Barack HUSSEIN Obama rewards with a position of power simply for being, according to him, a ‘trusted adviser’. Some great adviser for it was Susan Rice who was a key proponent in favor of our becoming involved in Libya in the first place, and this decision will haunt her tenure for getting us involved in Libya was what put the entire Arab Spring disaster into motion…a disaster that became a full-fledged Arab Winter…Muslim Brotherhood and all.

And Rice’s bad judgment calls go back even further than the Obama years for in 1996 it was Susan Rice, who as a member of then president Bill Clinton’s National Security Council, convinced him NOT to accept Sudan’s offer to turn Osama bin Laden over to US authorities. Rice’s reasoning was that because Sudan had a poor human rights record this country should have NO dealings whatsoever with that nation’s government…NO dealings…NOT even to take into custody the al-Qaeda leader or to receive any intelligence information on terrorists from Sudanese authorities.

Imagine if she did NOT open her big mouth…imagine if Bill Clinton had NOT listened to her stupidity…9/11 might NOT have happened and 3000 Americans might have still been alive today.

And this is who Barack HUSSEIN Obama considers a ‘trusted adviser’.

But hey why NOT as Susan Rice sides with ‘the brethren’ as much as Obama does. Case in point, in 2005 Susan Rice co-authored an academic article that postulated terrorism was “a threat borne of both oppression and deprivation.”

Feeling sorry and making excuses for those who commit terrorism…that is who Susan Rice is.

Susan Rice is also NO friend to Israel as she outwardly supports the so-called Palestinians. In February 2011, Rice made comments at the U(seless) N(ations) that Israeli settlements undermine security, corrode hopes for peace, and violate international commitments, calling Israeli settlement activity illegitimate.

Like Israel really gave a damn what Susan Rice thought two years ago or thinks today.

And are you ready for this..with a personal fortune estimated between $24 to $44 million, Susan Rice has a number of major investments in companies that invest in and do business with Iranian companies, especially with companies that do business in Iran’s oil, gas, and energy sector…and the word ‘energy’ should send up red flags…major red flags.

So by giving Rice an appointed position Obama has sparred her from the oh so nasty and grueling NO holds barred Senate confirmation hearings…hearings that Obama knows must be avoided at all costs because first, he knows that slowly pieces of the puzzle about gun and weapons running to Syrian rebels are surfacing as the Benghazi cover-up is starting to unravel and he cannot afford any slip-ups coming from Susan Rice’s mouth…and second, Obama knows that with Susan Rice’s history she would NOT get confirmed.

And yet here she sits as this country’s new National Security Advisor…par for the course for a president who surrounds himself with miscreants, muslim sympathizers, and traitors…just like him.

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1 comment:

  1. Everyone knows it's so she'll keep her mouth shut over Benghazi.
