Monday, June 3, 2013

Op-ed: America sold out...again

America sold out...again
By: Diane Sori

In defiance of the US Senate and thumbing his nose once again at the Constitution, today or within the next few days, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is expected to sign the ratification of the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
Although his ratification signature is only symbolic because the Senate voted this treaty down, those whose signatures appear on the treaty are still required to promote within their home countries the keeping of records on the recipients of imported arms and to introduce domestic legislation to support the treaty’s content...content which includes giving the president control over which guns do and do NOT come into this country. And while the ATT currently only deals with international arms trade between governments, opposition to signing from Second Amendment proponents was so strong that written into the final ATT text were words to the effect that 'no infringement will occur for recreational, cultural, historical, and lawful ownership'.
Like the U(seless) N(ations) will ever honor what the US wants added into any of their treaties so they figure why NOT just add in the words if it gets us to sign the treaty...which is exactly what they did...and exactly what we what amounts to nothing more than a step towards disarming the American people.
And when on April 2, 2013, the U(seless) N(ations) passed that treaty (added in placating language and all) in a vote of 153 to 4, guess who led the push for our signing and whose very signature appears on the dotted line...none other than Ms.'What does it matter' herself, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton...Hillary Clinton who apparently also thinks the Second Amendment be damned.
So in signing the treaty's ratification (symbolic or NOT) Obama is in-your-face overriding the Senate's recent NO vote against this treaty by citing Article 2, Section 2, Clause 2 of the Constitution saying it gives him, as president, the "Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur” to do so.
While in a 53 to 46 vote the treaty failed to pass in the Senate, the numbers it failed by are being used by Obama to justify his ratifying the ATT treaty.  Deliberately misusing the wording of the two-thirds number the Constitution cites, Obama is trying to say that two-thirds of the Senate wanted the treaty, clearly ignoring the fact that the wording means the treaty had to pass by a vote of two-thirds for him to legally ratify it NOT having the treaty fail NO matter the numbers. 
Bottom line, the ATT failed in the Senate, meaning it failed NO matter if it failed by one vote or many votes, and Obama has NO business ratifying it and he knows it.
Also, Obama is twisting and distorting our Founders intended meaning of the words 'to make treaties' as our Founders wrote those words to mean treaties made with a given county or countries NOT with an international organization, and as a 'supposed' Constitutional attorney Obama knows that damn well.  So basically, Barack HUSSEIN Obama is spitting the face of the Senate...dishonoring the Constitution (yet again)...and saying 'screw you' to the wishes of 'We the People'.
And by doing what amounts to a willful and deliberate throwing out of the Senate vote, Barack HUSSEIN Obama, in my opinion, is committing treason against the rules of law that is our US Constitution...treason by way of subterfuge and twisting the meaning of the words of the Constitution to suit his nefarious purposes.
Nefarious purposes that follow closely on the heels of his thankfully failed attempts to strengthen domestic gun control laws and to get his oh so wanted gun-control registry. Obama intends his presidential signature on the ATT to mask his all out effort to do away with 'We the People's' Constitutionally given Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, for by clearly siding with the U(seless) N(ations) effort to regulate international arms sales (which includes the sale of tanks, artillery, and small arms such as handguns), he is trying once again to take our guns away for Obama knows very well that our guns are the only thing that stands between 'We the People' and his administration NOT only running amok but an administration dangerously straddling Constitutional law in regards to treason for aiding and abetting the enemy.
So our guns...our firearms...our last line of defense against an administration hell bent on stripping away our freedoms rendering us impotent to rise up against those out to subjugate us to an existence of cow-towing to the media anointed savior of us all...are trying to be taken away from us as Obama and his minions use this U(seless) N(ations) treaty as his 'Plan B' to hopefully reach that goal.
And by signing the ratification of the ATT Barack HUSSEIN Obama sees his signature doing internationally what he couldn't do domestically...and if this wasn't so serious it might almost be laughable.

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  1. Obama will try to implement the terms of the treaty through legislation or executive orders, despite the fact that the Senate voted against it.

  2. Totally a crime. IMPEACH NOW.

  3. NOT impeach as it will NEVER happen with a Dem controlled Senate. Arrest, try, convict, and sentence carried out for treason, aiding and abetting the enemy, murder (Benghazi), and crimes against America. Now that's the way to go.
