Wednesday, June 5, 2013

HHS Website for Girls 10-16: Information on Birth Control, Gay Sex, 'Mutual Masturbation'...

A government website designed for girls ages 10 to 16 offers health advice and information on a wide range of topics, including homosexuality, anal sex and “mutual masturbation.” 
The Health and Human Services’ includes tips on fitness and nutrition and an “environmental health” section where girls can read about leading a “green” lifestyle
But the site also includes a glossary that explains anal sex and “mutual masturbation” and includes information about birth control and how to access everything from condoms to “emergency contraceptives.” 
The website is described this way on the “About” portion: “ was created in 2002 by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Office on Women’s Health (OWH) to help girls (ages 10 to 16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. promotes healthy and positive behaviors in girls, giving them reliable and useful health information in a fun, easy-to-understand way.”
Read the rest HERE.

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  1. Bosman, I was shocked years ago when I first saw some of these kind of websites. Now it doesn't shock me. We have past the point of no return, IMO. How do we go on as a society when we are this far gone?


  2. I'm so disgusted by this, I had a hard time opening this post.
