Saturday, June 8, 2013

Domino's Pizza is hoping to bring Home Deliveries to a whole new level

Domino’s is testing the feasibility of delivering hot pizza direct to your door via octocopter drones. 
Branded the DomiCopter, the current prototype can deliver two, large pizzas in about ten minutes within a four mile radius of the store. While future versions could hypothetically use GPS coordinates to deliver the pie, the existing model is piloted from the ground by someone experienced in drone flight. 
The DomiCopter has eight spinning blades and includes the standard thermal insulation bag that’s carried around by Domino’s Pizza delivery drivers. Developed by a company called Aerosight, this type of drone is primarily used for capturing broadcast quality video with cameras like the Red Epic , Canon C300 or Sony PMW F3.
Read the rest HERE and view a related video below:

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  1. Now the President can have his pizza delivered to the golf course. The cost may be a little more for delivery...but hey what's a little more money?..Especially when it's someone else's

  2. The DomiCopter has eight spinning blades and includes the standard thermal insulation bag that’s carried around by Domino’s Pizza delivery drivers and also a cargo shorts
