Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The STUPID AWARD of the Week goes to...

Fake 'Gunmen' Hired to Storm Movie Theater for Traumatizing Publicity Stunt:
The promote its premiere of the new Iron Man movie, a theater in Jefferson City, Missouri, hired several people to dress in full tactical gear and storm the screening with fake weapons drawn. 
Not surprisingly, some people were not too keen on the "publicity stunt."
In addition to stoking the ire of theatergoers, the stunt also garnered poor reviews from the local police department which was forced to field several nervous 911 calls. 
"We received a series of 911 calls stating that a man dressed in all black and body armor and a rifle was walking into Capital 8 Theaters," Capt. Doug Shoemaker told the local Fox affiliate.
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. Hard to believe someone is really that stupid.


  2. Pretty hard to believe someone thought this was a good idea after Colorado. Don't they ever listen to the news? Probably low information voters who think Romney was involved in Benghazi thanks to our illustrious press corps.

