Wednesday, May 15, 2013

O, Rubio, Rubio, wherefore art thou Rubio?

H/T RomneyMan
After last November’s presidential loss, the one solace many Republicans were embracing was the upcoming bright and inspiring U.S. senator from Florida — Marco Rubio. Numerous GOP pundits were thankful that Rubio had not been tarnished by being selected by Mitt Romney for the 2012 GOP ticket. 
Within six short months, this grassroots and media favorite has gone from rising star to RINO (Republican in name only). Rubio has not abandoned us on taxes or the debt crisis, but he has joined Congress’ Gang of Eight on the immigration bill. 
You cannot turn on cable news without seeing American Action Network’s commercial featuring Rubio telling us that our immigration policy is a de facto amnesty and that the Gang of Eight’s proposal won’t allow amnesty seekers to get food stamps, welfare and Obamacare. 
According to Rubio’s own words, if Senate bill 744 is passed they won’t be able to collect for 13 years, will have to learn English, work and wait in the back of the line.
The problem with these claims is that we have heard them previously. If we are not enforcing our laws now, why would anyone think that the federal government will enforce a new one? That’s why many people believe that this path to citizenship is RINO-approved amnesty.
Read the full article HERE.

IMHO, Rubio could solve this problem by getting the Senate to split the Bill in two.

Part 1 (Border Security) would have to be achieved to the threshold that the bill states BEFORE Part 2 (everything else with some tweaks) can be enacted.

THIS WON'T HAPPEN...Know Why? Because the Security of the border IS NOT the priority with the Gang of 8. I'm sure they'd be willing to do Part 2 first and Part 1....whenever...if ever.

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1 comment:

  1. Whilst I acknowledge the hat tip, one must also consider the reality of the situation.
    Yes, Rubio is amongst the so-called gang of 8. However, whilst I don't think what currently is there is a good bill (agree that border security must be #1), and I hope it does not pass, whilst Rubio gets the raps, at least he's stepped up on to the table. Many of the potential '16 players are too scared to give an opinion, so what do that say of them? I mean, do you here Bob McDonnell saying where he stands on the issue? How about Scott Walker? The sound of silence. Moreover, considering that *hero* Ryan, Romney's *conservative* former running mate, and Rand Paul are also, in one way or another, pro-amnesty, it seems it's not only Rubio 'guilty'. And, to prempt the 'oh, but those (Paul et al) didn't write the bill', if you're pro amnesty it don't matter- you support it.
    Next, it's easy for the likes of Cruz to start throwing fireworks and politically curry the right (as he did with guns), but anyone can coming from a state where you can get away with highly charged rhetoric; TX is red enough (at the moment) to say whatever he likes. It'd be interesting to see where he's stand if he were running for re-election (eventually) in NH, say.
    So whilst Rubio gets the hits, others are even conveniently silent, or supportive in one way or another, or just running their mouth as they are from a deep red.
    AND where's all the the *experts* alternatives to deal with 11 mill?
    a) Round 'um up and send um home? lol b) Starve um and make up self deport? lol
    Zero chance of any of that occurring.
