Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Marco Rubio wasn't exactly an advocate of Immigration Enforcement in his past

....In fact, far from it:

H/T Joel2013
Sen. Marco Rubio blocked numerous immigration-enforcement bills when he served as speaker in the Florida House of Representatives from 2007 to 2009. 
“Rubio blocked any efforts to deal with the problems of illegal immigration on the local or state level,” one former politician from South Florida, who has known Rubio since his city councilman days in West Miami, told The Daily Caller.
“He said it was because we had bigger things to deal with on the state level. Maybe that’s true. But he didn’t even let bills to the floor when they sailed through committees,” the politician, who declined to speak on the record, added. 
Rubio’s record is relevant now because he’s presented himself as a moderate backer for the Democratic-led “Gang of Eight” immigration bill. Proponents of the bill argue that its extensive loosening of immigration laws (including a “pathway to citizenship” that Rubio in 2010 described as “basically code for amnesty”) will be balanced by tougher enforcement.
But the record shows that Rubio used his power in Florida to block popular immigration-enforcement bills prior to his election-trail conversion into an immigration-hawk.
Read the full story HERE.

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  1. What, like Romney wasn't exactly an advocate of pro-life policies in the past....'I will respect a woman's right to choose' etc
    I'm still searching to find Walker's or McDonnels, or Kasich's or whatever 'lovely effective' governors position on the debate is lol

  2. "But the record shows that Rubio used his power in Florida to block popular immigration-enforcement bills prior to his election" Which is also a bit far fetched, as if it were true, as if Crist in the FL primaries wouldn't have gone at it tooth and nail. I can't recall any long lasting attack by Crist on that alleged issue...surprise, surprise.

  3. Crist never ran against Rubio, he became an Independent and just quit. Rubio election trail conversion is on video record. There is NO doubt about it.

    While running for Senate in 2010, Rubio stated that “path to citizenship is basically code for amnesty.” He told conservative website Human Events that “you’re never going to have a legal immigration system that works if you grant amnesty.”


    And smearing Romney constantly doesn't make anyone else innocent. For the record, National Right to Life organization endorsed Romney. Stop acting like the Democrat EVERYONE knows you are, RomneyMan.


    As usual, RomneyMan acts just like StateRunMedia talkingheads. At least they don't claim to be a Conservative the way RomneyMan does. They don't name themselves after Romney, and then continue their smears and lies against him.

  4. I've read comments from people in Florida, and they blame Rubio for the situation of their state getting flooded with illegal aliens from the surrounding states. They are very angry at him.

  5. lol at "Anonymous" above: "Crist never ran against Rubio, he became an Independent and just quit. "
    Do some homework.
    Crist was the UNDESPUTED front runner for the GOP for months, until Rubio's real deal campaigning and TV debates knocked him out. He then (against his pledge) filed as an independent, as he knew he wouldn't win the GOP primary v Rubio (his massive lead in the polls had swung the other way). THEN in the general he was again blitzed by Rubio.
    "Crist never ran against Rubio" lol again- he was hammering Rubio initially, then as Rubio blitzed him, changed like a chameleon.

    With comments like that, my advice is stay "anonymous"
