Sunday, May 26, 2013

Looks like Rubio & Ryan may have eaten a sh*t sandwich for nothing....

...Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) said Friday that the “Gang of Eight” immigration bill doesn’t have enough votes to pass the Senate.... 

 ...“We don’t currently have 60 votes identified in the Senate,” Menendez said in an interview with Univision.... 

Read the entire article HERE

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  1. With his damn the torpedoes amnesty push, Rubio has self-destructed right before our eyes.

    Let's not beat a dead horse with Ryan, since he self-destructed last November when he failed to carry - by a wide margin - his very winnable home state of Wisconsin for the GOP ticket.

    For your reading pleasure:

    By the time 2016 rolls around, Rubio will be lucky if he can get elected dogcatcher, much less win the GOP nomination for president.

  2. I will confess that I was a fan of Rubio. Wow, was I misguided.

    I still think he might have put Romney over the top in November....

  3. There was never a 'May have'.

    If they didn't have the foresight to see that THE BORDER BEING SECURED FIRST before anything else happens, was the ONLY beginning to any acceptable plan for immigration reform, then I have to wonder about their judgement capabilities.

  4. No, Rubio's biggest 'problem' with the ones that talk thought but offer NOTHING as an alternative, is that he don't like the amnesty that currently exists, but everyone seems to be happy to let continue. Oh, apologies, 'round um up and send um home'. lol, like that's really going to happen.
    Forget the Cruz's of the world- let's see his opinion if he was a GOP senator from Maine of NH. Easy to throw red meat from TX. Next, how about these lovely governors... What's Mcdonells view, or Kasich's view,or Walker's view etc etc. Wasy to watch from afar and not offer any politically gutsy opinions.

  5. RomneyMan,

    What part of "secure the border first" don't you understand? Of course, we know you're a lib in disguise anyway, so I'm sure that will fall on deaf ears.

  6. AND if Rubio eventually walks due to not being happy with the border security provisions/plans, then he shouldn't be ripped, as loads are for immigration reform on the back of boarder security. Rubio eventually walks due to not being happy with the boarder element= he tried to make a difference, but principle dictated that he couldn't sign and vote for it without said boarder controls. Granted if Rubio says ya without boarder security, that's a different matter.
