Thursday, April 4, 2013

Another Georgia Town passes a Mandatory Gun Ownership Law

The exception-riddled mandatory gun-ownership law just passed by the town of Nelson, 33 miles to the north, is modeled on a similar law enacted more than three decades ago by the city of Kennesaw. 
In 1982, Kennesaw was a city of about 5,000, "a rural population of Southern conservatives, strong Second Amendment advocates," city spokeswoman Pam Davis says. The city enacted the measure in response to a law passed in Morton Grove, Ill., that outlawed gun ownership. 
"When the law was passed, it was common knowledge that it was not going to be enforceable," Davis says. "It was a symbolic gesture." 
Still, the crime rate, not that high to begin with, plummeted after the law was enacted — by 89%, compared with a 10% drop statewide, according to published accounts. Davis says there were 11 burglaries per 1,000 residents before the law, 2.7 after. Despite slight fluctuations, she says, crime here "is significantly lower" than similar-sized Georgia cities. No one has ever been prosecuted under the law.
Read the whole story HERE and view a related video Below:

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