Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sen Tom Coburn (R-OK) asks a question many of us have been asking: Why Government Is Buying So Much Ammunition?

On Special Report tonight, Doug McKelway took a look at the growing concern over ammunition shortages in the country, particularly the Department of Homeland Security’s purchases of mass quantities of ammo. 
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) says he has been hearing about this more and more from his constituents and, along with a dozen of his colleagues, has written to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about the issue. One of the letters asked why the government is stockpiling “considerably more (ammunition) than historical use would suggest is needed.”
Read the rest of the story HERE and view a related video below:

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Terrye said...

And his answer is that they are not buying all that much fact, they are buying less than they used to.

Chief_Cabioch said...

Terrye thats false, the Department of Homeland Security hasnt ever bought that much Ammo , and now they use the excuse it's over a 5 year time span, which is also a LIE, the DHS doesnt need Anywhere Near that much AMMO, DHS has 200,000 employees, and 1.6 BILLION rounds of AMMO equates to 8,000 rounds per person, knowing not ALL will be packing a GUN thats WAY more AMMO than the LEFT thinks I am entitled to your Blue smoke for Idiots willing to believe it....

Tom said...

I wonder if there is a larger demand because of the increase in Gun sales?

So more people looking for it and much of the stock has been depleted and it's more about manufacturers just can't keep up with the new higher demand.

Anonymous said...

Which blogger did your information come from. It is pretty sad when you do not believe the No. 1 conservative news service. I think you have been listening to all those bloggers who cry "The Sky Is Falling" "The Sky Is Falling" once too many times.

Anonymous said...

FOX News has discredited itself, along with so many other of obama's media conspiracy network. They don't tell us the truth. They lie and distort. The hide the truth. They don't question the president or his actions. It is disgraceful, and they've made their beds. Now they have to sleep in them. Most do NOT believe network broadcast news outlets. And they have LOW ratings. They've behaved in an evil way, they deserve what is happening to them. NO esteem.

Anonymous said...

They arrogantly played games with election campaigns, and bragged about deceiving Americans and causing "surge candidates." In short, they don't do their jobs. The don't cover information Americans want and need. They don't cover news from the American point of view and about American interests at home and abroad. They don't even vet candidates. They prefer deceiving us for their ratings, and now they'll pay the price in loss of viewers and credibility.

Anonymous said...

We've been led around by the socialist news nose ring, it is time to use our creativity to get real and meaningful news. Networks have silly high school antics. Glen Beck is correct that the bloggers are saving the world. The online news places consistently offer intelligent analysis and information rarely seen on TV. It's conservative, and a person is not bombarded with constant insults for being a conservative by them. They don't pull their punches. It is GREAT.

Anonymous said...

I'm positive Chief Cabioch knows much more about DHS ammo than the snot nosed anon. Thinking for yourself used to be encouraged in our public schools, rather than acting pretentious with the manners of social nazi SS.

It's called math, and 1.6 billion rounds of ammo does mean each of DHS's 200,000 employees would have 8,000 rounds of ammo. I don't believe the DHS that this ammo is for a five year time period. A national police force is illegal.

The WH has a gangster reputation, they've earned it. People don't believe you any more when you lie all the time.

Bloggers are far more intelligent than silly, superficial people on TV news.

Anonymous said...

After watching the video now, concern is expressed in the video about ammo shortages. Gun manufacturers don't want to sell to the government any more if they keep trying to confiscate our guns. I support them doing that. They did say 1.6 billion rounds of ammo purchased was a ceiling level, but the DHS has not reached the ceiling yet.

There is plenty to get excited about when the President thinks he can write laws through executive orders. He can't. And Obama's 23 executive orders to roll over us with gun confiscation, that IS the sky falling. BIG red flag.

"These executive orders include things like turning doctors into police state snitches by ordering them to “ask patients about their guns.”It also orders the CDC to begin studying gun violence and gun ownership as if it were a “disease.” "

Obama and his Leftists are the zany extremists, miss nazi SS. You shouldn't believe everything you hear about conservatives and bloggers from Obama's Chicago Media Machine. They lie, obstruct justice, and cover for that fraud in our WH.

In Libya Amb Stevens was raped and murdered, our WH didn't protect him, and then Obama lied about what was happening. The NAZI media covered for him. They don't question him, and they never get outraged at his tyranny.

Anonymous said...

As we reported today, 15 Congressmen have written a letter to the DHS demanding to know why the federal agency is buying so many rounds of ammunition and whether the purchases are part of a deliberate attempt to restrict supply to the American people.

DHS official Peggy Dixon, who claimed the bullets were bought in bulk to save money and were for training purposes only.
As we have tirelessly noted, however, hollow point bullets are completely unsuitable for training purposes because they cost significantly more money compared to standard firing range bullets. In one fell swoop, this fact debunks claims that the agency was attempting to save money argument and is intending to use the ammo in training exercises.

Military veterans and ammunition experts have also confirmed that they have never used hollow points for training purposes, expressing confusion at why the DHS is buying up so many of them.

Silence, secrecy and shoddy attempts at debunking the facts have led to Congressional scrutiny

DHS is lying.

Anonymous said...

Conservative leaders claim unprecedented media bias this 2012 election cycle

“According to NewsBusters, part of MRC, the letter was directed at the heads of ABC News, NBC News, CBS News and CNN. "We the undersigned -- representing millions of Americans from our respective organizations -- are now publicly urging our members to seek out alternative sources of political news in order to make an intelligent, well-informed decision on November 6," they wrote.”

"biased news media," claiming in an open letter that establishment media are "out of control with a deliberate and unmistakable leftist agenda."

I underscore the fact that these conservative representatives urged conservatives to "seek out alternative sources of political news."

I am profoundly concerned if we do not call out those among ourselves who engage in ridicule of alternative sources of political news, like bloggers and online news outlets.

This type of mockery of the right wing view point doesn't belong in the midst of conservative speak, and I urge all to call this behavior out every time it rears its head, like the earlier post that repeats a "sky is falling" generalized smear.

Some people do tend to that topic, but it is WRONG to dismiss alternative news because of the few who specialize in certain topics or some who lack credibility. American Spectator and American Thinker are fine news sources, and are superior to ABC News, NBC News, CBS News and CNN.

This condescending talk sounds like the typical high school mentality of the leftist media that conspires with obama and obstructs justices with obama. Their conduct is a grave danger to us all as they do exactly what JFK condemned:

"...mistakes are buried, not headlined ... dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”~JFK

Alternative outlets have earned respect and deserve great praise for stepping up to JFK's noble plea:

“And so it is to the printing press, to the recorder of man’s deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news, that we look for strength and assistance, confidant that with your help man will be what he was born to be, free and independent.” ~JFK