Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Paul Ryan Rips Obama's Leadership on failing to release a budget proposal (Full Video 03-19-20)

House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, the former Republican vice presidential nominee, took charge at a Capitol news conference this morning, bashing President Obama for failing to release a budget proposal on time while promoting his own plan to balance the budget in 10 years. 
“The president hasn’t even proposed a budget yet. The law requires that the president of the United States submit his budget on the first Monday in February, and he is missing in action,” Ryan, R-Wis., said. “That is not leadership. That is ducking responsibility.”
Obama’s latest budget proposals have fallen flat in the divided Congress, last year losing a Senate vote 0-99 and 0-414 in the House. This year, the president is not expected to introduce his own budget proposal until early April. 
Ryan flatly rejected Democratic critics who say Ryan’s cuts, $4.6 trillion in the next decade, are too austere and would harm the country’s fragile economic recovery. The goal of Ryan’s budget is to balance the federal budget within ten years. It also proposes to repeal the president’s health care law, simplify the tax code into two brackets, as well as cut Medicare and federal pensions.
Read the rest HERE and watch the complete news conference below:

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