Monday, March 18, 2013

Op-ed: My fight continues on...

My fight continues on...
By: Diane Sori

As most on this blog and on Facebook know, I have been blocked and sent to the 'infamous' FB jail for 30 days for something I did NOT do and had NO part of.  You also know that the supposed 'help' I was to have gotten from Katie Harbath, a Washington, D.C. based Facebook employee, turned out to be, as expected, NOTHING but lip service.
Let me assure you all that this battle is far from over, and goes way beyond my own personal issues with Facebook.  And so I will continue to challenge and fight against Facebook's arbitrarily enforced 'non-existent' rules not only for myself, but for all conservative bloggers and posters who are being selectively targeted for harassment, banning, and blocking by the Facebook powers that be...powers that be who those condemned cannot reach or contact to appeal their 'sentence.'
So I fight on...but I'm grateful that in this battle I'm NOT alone as I have much support from friends, fellow Facebook admins and friends, and conservative bloggers and posters from all over the Facebook arena.  But there are some that have really gone out of their way to help me and I would like to publicly thank them.  I would especially like to thank Examiner reporter Joe Newby for getting this story out to the public, Craig Andresen of The National Patriot for helping in this fight, good friends Joe Sammons and Daniel Stansbury for posting for me because I obviously can't, and all conservatives who have supported me as I go up against the Facebook 'in the pocket for Obama and all things left' conglomerate. 
So I fight on...and remember, if you think what Facebook is doing to we conservatives now is bad just think what will happen to us as we get closer to the midterm elections, as we fight hard to keep control of the House and take back the Senate...and imagine if our candidates cannot get their message out over the internet superhighway.  That's why fighting Facebook and winning now is of paramount importance, because Facebook's goal is to shut down ALL who speak out against Obama, his minions, and his policies...and that includes those who speak out against the Obama sanctioned islamization of America.
And so I fight on...and will keep you all informed for this fight I'm in is for all of us conservatives everywhere.
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Spreading the word about Facebook's censorship of conservatives is all well and good, but at the same time, conservatives must understand that Facebook is NOT LEGALLY OBLIGATED to permit uncensored free speech on its website any more than Drudge, Politico and Breitbart are.

These websites are not selected, subsidized and regulated by our federal government - or any other government entity - like television and radio broadcasters are, so they are free to propagandize, censor and lie to their hearts' content.

Because they receive extremely exclusive, influential and profitable broadcasting licenses from the Federal Communications Commission(FCC), television and radio news networks are legally obligated to "SERVE THE PUBLIC INTEREST", which presumably includes political journalism that is comprehensive, factual and balanced.

For decades, "The Big Five" news networks - CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and Fox - have spit in the face of their public trust, blatantly and brazenly abusing their broadcasting privileges by covering up the news instead of reporting the news, by lying to the American people instead of telling them the truth.

They get away with it because the Leftists and RINO's at the FCC - the controlling legal authority which interprets and enforces the "public interest" standard - let them get away with it, even rewarding them for their journalistic malpractice by expanding their broadcasting privileges.

That's THE REAL OUTRAGE that all Americans, especially conservative Americans, should be up in arms about.

Facebook's censorship of its conservative members, although certainly improper and unfair, pales in comparison.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree with Newark.

Diane, it would help to have some context--such as what was the post that got you banned in the first place? But your outrage seems overblown.
