Friday, March 8, 2013

Op-ed: Hurting America's children and other peccadillos

Hurting America's children and other peccadillos
By: Diane Sori

And the award for the only president ever to deliberately go out of his way to hurt America's children for political gain goes to...I think you all know the answer to that one.

Barack HUSSEIN Obama seems to have rocked his 'I can do whatever I want' boat a bit as he watches his poll numbers drop because the sky did NOT fall when sequestration went into effect last weekend. The dreaded 'S' word proved to be anything but dreaded as a miserly 3% cut to the budget is, if anything, laughable considering all the overspending this administration has done.

So what does Obama do to try and save political face as even some in his own party are chastising him for crying wolf...he takes his colossal...he built it, he owns it...sequestration failure out on America's school children.

“Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that White House Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013 until further notice,” according to a cancellation notice that was sent to congressional offices.

And so it begins.

Suspending the very popular White House Tours by claiming they need to cut staff to save money, even after Michelle's bloviation that, “my husband and I have made it our mission to open up the house to as many people as we can,” is really quite comical because what this clueless man forgets is that these tours, which bring millions of visitors to the White House each year, are staffed and conducted by volunteers.

So where is the dollar savings as no one gets paid except the Director of the Tours...or does Obama NOT remember the definition of the word volunteer...let me refresh his memory...volunteer: a person who performs a service willingly and without pay. Without pay being the operative words but I guess in Obamanation even the meaning of words can change.

Oh and by the way...why is the Director of White House Tours still on the job and being paid if the tours themselves have been suspended...hmmmm...

And who does he hurt the most with this ridiculous cut...America's school children are the unfortunate main recipients of Obama's ire and payback as each year thousands of school trips to DC are planned around a visit the 'People's House.'

So, Mr. 'It's all about the children' Obama basically just said 'the hell with the kids' as he throws his golf bag over his shoulder and off he goes for game number...what is it by now...120 or something close to that. Odd...NO cuts to that little perk that we taxpayers pay for is there.

And so it continues...

There are sequestration cuts of nearly $2 million listed to be made to the National Drug Intelligence Center’s $20 million budget. Except, guess what...that center has been closed for months, as it was absorbed into and became part of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). So those cuts are non-existent yet they are still listed to be made...hmmmm...if NO cuts can be made because the agency NO longer exists where is the $2 million dollar cut listed really going, as in where is it being hidden and for what purpose.

And let's NOT forget the theater of the absurd when Maxine Waters said that the sequester would cost 170,000,000 jobs...except there are only 150 MILLION workers in the US so how can more jobs be lost than there are.

So with all this it boils down to one thing and one thing only...Obama will use 'sequester hysteria' to try and win the public opinion battle by blaming the cuts both real and non-existent on Republicans as he sets the stage for an attempt to take back the House in 2014...and if Democrats take back the House heaven help us because then they will control it all. So, Obama will do everything and anything possible to make sure his 'sky is falling' predictions do come true for political gain and political gain alone, even if that means doing something as seemingly innocuous as suspending the White House Tours so he can say the Republicans did this to our nation's children.

Obama really has NOTHING else to try as the reality is the what amounts to 3% cuts will have little effect on the daily lives of the general public after his hope that Republicans would cave to the threat of defense cuts went right out the window. Finally Republicans showed some guts and stood strong against this most treacherous of presidents.

Simply, Obama had been predicting dire consequences for the economy if there was a reduction in federal spending...if there was sequestration. He was wrong, out and out wrong, as he forgets or just doesn't care about the basic indisputable fact that economic prosperity doesn't come from government spending...economic prosperity comes from private industry and putting people back to work allowing them to produce wealth...wealth that they can keep. And while the Stock Market is doing very well right now, and of course Obama is claiming his policies are what's fueling that (they're NOT), doing well is still NOT translating into jobs or middle class gains, because NO matter what Obama tries to insinuate Wall Street is NOT the economy...the GDP is and that is still hurting due to this his out of control spending.

So let Obama do all the useless, frivolous, and non-existent spending cuts he wants, let him blame it all on the Republicans if he wants but in the end what people will remember about all this is that Barack HUSSEIN Obama took away our children's chance to tour the White House.

And he built that and owns it all on his own.

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Anonymous said...

It needed saying, and I am glad there is someone reporting the Americans point of view. It is nice to have our interests matter.

Diane Sori said...

Thanks for your kind words. and I will continue to get the truth out as fast and as best I can.