Monday, March 11, 2013

Bush 43: The Painter

Former President George W. Bush is "going to go down in the history books as a great artist," according to the woman who spent a month teaching the former president how to paint. 
Mr. Bush has mostly kept a low profile since leaving office in 2009, but his decision to take up painting as a new hobby has garnered him a new kind of attention. Several of his paintings have recently surfaced, notably a memorial portrait of his beloved and recently departed Scottish terrier Barney.
Read the Full story HERE and view a related video below:

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It's very appropriate that Dubya is painting DOGS, since his 8 years in the White House will DOG the GOP, and the nation, for years to come. Quite a legacy he left us:

- 3000 Americans killed on 9-11-2001 by terrorists who overstayed their visas, aided and abetted by Dubya's open borders policies - policies which also doubled the number of Hispanic Democrats in this country, including millions who entered or stayed here illegally

- launched 2 very unpopular wars halfway across the planet that killed over 6000 Americans and seriously wounded tens of thousands more

- sat on his hands for 8 years while the housing bubble blew up, then handed Wall Street a trillion-dollar bailout when the bubble burst

- added 5 trillion dollars to the national debt

- approved trillion-dollar unfunded mandates like No Child Left Behind and Medicare Part D

- signed into law the disastrous McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform bill after promising to veto it

- appointed liberal activist judge John Roberts to the U.S. Supreme Court, who later cast the deciding votes that upheld ObamaCare, struck down Arizona's attempt to secure it's southern border, and protected Obama on the eligibility front

- preserved the status quo in the State Run Media by appointing more liberal & RINO propagandists to the Federal Communications Commission

- completely squandered Republican majorities in the House and Senate by consistently failing to push or approve conservative legislation and reforms(except for his temporary tax cuts)

As Dubya would say, he "sure did one helluva job" while he was in the White House. Dog paintings are almost the perfect symbol. The only thing more symbolic would be a painting of dog shit.

Anonymous said...

Newark, sometimes I think maybe you just need to calm down a little bit.


Anonymous said...

Hawk needs to find a Leftist chat and news site.


@ Anonymous 1:21 PM

You need to find a RINO news & chat site.


@ Martha

You need to pull your head out of the sand.

RINO politicians like Dubya have as much to do with America's current sad state of affairs as Democrat politicians do.

Both parties have worked hand-in-hand to bring this once great country to near ruin.

Electing COURAGEOUS CONSERVATIVES is the only way America can be saved.

Anonymous said...

Newark, I'm sorry for my comment because I know we are in perilous times. And, I am well aware of Bush's shortcomings. Yes, he is partly responsible for many of the problems we now face.

But he was not a total failure, and I firmly believe he made the right decisions on the war of terror. The things he put into place have kept us safe for these 12 years. I believe both Iraq and Afghanistan were the right decisions, even though things didn't always go as planned. I'm glad he was the president when 9-11 happened, and not Obama! Right now, I'd take him any day and twice on Sunday over Obama.
