Friday, March 29, 2013

Britain’s David Cameron hopes to end Britain's 'Soft Touch' Reputation

David Cameron was on a collision course with Brussels, councils and doctors last night after announcing plans to cut the rights of migrants.
In a major speech, the Prime Minister said he was determined to end Britain’s ‘soft touch’ reputation. 
But proposals to limit the access of migrants to the NHS and social housing provoked a backlash from doctors and local authorities. There were also warnings that any plan to cut benefits for migrants from Europe would provoke legal action from Brussels. 
In a speech in Ipswich, he said: ‘While I have always believed in the benefits of immigration, I have also always believed that immigration has to be properly controlled. Without proper controls community confidence is sapped, resources are stretched and the benefits immigration can bring are lost or forgotten.’ 
From next year, arrivals from the EU will be stripped of jobseekers’ benefits after six months unless they can prove they have been actively looking for a job and stand a ‘genuine chance’ of finding one. 
Guidance to be introduced this spring will create a ‘local residence test’ to give local people priority in the waiting list for social housing and ensure that migrants become eligible only after they have been here for two years. Mr Cameron also signalled action against ‘health tourism’, including requiring non-EU visitors to take out health insurance and ordering hospitals to chase foreign patients for payment.
Read the whole story HERE and view a related video below:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, but only as he's scared of the rise of the UKIP party in the UK. Immigration (a tougher line) is one of UKIP's calling cards. Likewise, he recently did a 180 on a possible EU Referendum if the party were re-elected. Again don't be fool, this is just to appease the euro-sceptic faction of his party and, again, and connectively, as this is another stellar UKIP calling card. He and the Tories are petrified that many Tory votes will bleed to UKIP in key seats at the next election, and he's doing what he can to stop this occurring. They recently (parliament) voted ya on gay marriage to, which again is another UKIP calling card (not being for gay marriage that is).