Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Op-ed: Liar..the state of our union is NOT stronger

Liar..the state of our union is NOT stronger
By: Diane Sori

"A free enterprise economy is what makes our middle class prosper.”

So said Senator Marco in his Republican rebuttal to Obama's State of the Union Address.

“Makes our middle class prosper”...lets cut to the chase...NO matter what Obama said last night the simple fact remains that under his policies the middle class is doing anything but prospering, the economy is tanking, there are NO jobs, our military is being rendered impotent as the defense budget is being cut, and islam is running amok throughout the world...among other things.
“The state of our union is stronger”...opened the bloviations of a man who has NO clue whatsoever as to how a successful economy works...or for that matter how any economy works. Who does Barack HUSSEIN Obama think he's kidding that our economy is stronger as more Americans are out of work (the national unemployment rate went up last month), incomes are stagnant, health care costs and the price of gas and food staples are going through the roof. And with companies being forced to make cutbacks Obama wants to raise the minimum wage...the fastest way to put even more small companies out of business.

Now tell me the with a straight face that the State of our Union is can't as we have a president who just does NOT embrace a free enterprise economy.

Thankfully, although Obama spoke in front of a joint session of Congress and countless millions across the country, NO matter what nonsense spewed from his mouth, speeches, even major ones like the State of the Union address, do NOT shape or shift public opinion in any way whatsoever as these speeches, especially one coming from a man who still continues to campaign...are just words used to placate the unsettled masses and those he's beholden to.

A few Obamaspeaks from last night stick out for me...

“Government must work on behalf of the many NOT on behalf of the few” equals more taxes are coming for the rich and successful and cutting tax loopholes...needed loopholes that help the rich create jobs and put Americans back to work.

“We cannot cut our way to prosperity.” NO, but it can stop Obama from spending our taxpayer dollars like a drunken sailor on even more handouts and freebies for the 'sponges' but guaranteed Democratic voters of our society.

“The greatest nation on earth cannot keep going from one manufactured crisis to another.” Now that was a real grrrrrrrr moment for me as most crisis's facing America today are crisis's caused by Obama's LIES, LIES, more LIES...and cover-ups...can you say 'Fast and Furious' and Benghazi.

“Cut waiting periods...for citizenship” in get as many new Democratic voters on the rolls as fast as possible before the 2016 election. And with this came his call to make it easier for people to vote, which really translates into make it easier for people to commit voter fraud.

But through all Obama's bloviations, through all the 'forced' applause interruptions, the bottom line still remains the State of THIS Union STINKS! It STINKS because this man wants it to STINK as he heads America even further down the road to socialism. And Obama's favorite word, 'FORWARD' is driving us forward alright...forward into an abyss we might never be able to emerge from.

'We might NEVER be able to emerge from' because Obama did NOT even touch upon the most critical of all critical issues facing our government, 'We the People' and future generations...the out of control and still growing national debt. And when he spoke about relying on our own natural resources NEVER did Obama bring up the Keystone XL pipeline (which would create jobs, jobs, and more jobs). But then again he never gave any specifics about anything...just more of the same old, same old empty words from this empty suit of a president.

And so while yesterday North Korea conducted its third nuclear test in self-defense against what they see as American hostility towards them...while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Monday that Iran is installing new centrifuges for its uranium enrichment program that could cut the time needed to create a nuclear bomb by a third...while Al Gore continued to drone on and on about non-existent global warming...while Obama plans to have 34,000 troops brought home by this time next year cutting our troop presence in half, numbers small enough to put our people still there in danger...
while the infamous sequester looms large especially over our defense budget, what's important to Obama as per this pandering to the faithful speech is the fact that he'll make us a nation with a windmill on every corner and with a genetically engineered chicken in every pot...and death panels deciding who should live and who should die.

In his Republican rebuttal, a rebuttal that both Sean Hannity and Mark Levin said was the best rebuttal speech they ever heard, Florida Senator Marco Rubio said these wise words, “Economic growth is the best way to help the middle class...I hope the President will abandon his obsession with raising taxes and instead work with us to achieve real growth in our economy. ”

Sadly, helping the middle class and economic growth is the furthest thing on Obama's mind as his agenda and programs leads us further down the path to becoming a nation of those living off government handouts getting everything we have but NOT having to lift a finger to get it

Welcome to Obamanation, a land where NO budget has been passed in years yet where in a State of the Union speech its proposed that more of our taxpayer dollars be spent on any and everything that works against the middle class. But hey, all will be good in Obamanation because he says it will be, and when our media anointed 'lord and savior' says all will be OK we're supposed to lock-step in agreement...and do so with a stupid smile on our lips mimicking the smirk he has on his.

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  1. Good analysis. Very true.

  2. It's so hard to listen to him anymore without getting angry. Our president has betrayed the American people in so many ways. He sees himself not as our president, but as the leader of the world. And because of that, he repeatedly takes action that weakens us in favor of some other nation or people. The presidency isn't the place for global altruism. He's meant to be an executive officer to represent us abroad. I can't say I respect the man after what he's turned the presidency into.


  3. As far as I'm concerned, Obama is a TRAITOR to America and should be ARRESTED, TRIED, CONVICTED, and SENTENCE CARRIED OUT for TREASON, aiding and abetting, murder (Fast & Furious and Benghazi, and crimes against America.


    Perhaps it should be nationally televised as well, just to discourage future presidents from engaging in such treasonous and lawless behavior.

    But only after a full and fair hearing before a military tribunal, of course.
