Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Egypt Post-Mubarak: Isn't it wonderful...NOT!

I'll tell you, As time goes on I'm begining to be more appreciative of Hosni Mubarak (warts-and-all). He kept the thugs and anti-American blow hards there on a short leash. Now they seem to have free rein there do do or say what ever the hell they want.

Today I'm reading about recently released from Egyptian prison Mohammed al-Zawahri brother of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri who wasted little time after his release to make threats towards the U.S.:
Mohammed al-Zawahri denies he is a member of al-Qaeda, but the younger brother of al-Qaeda's leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, shares its goal of global Muslim theocracies based on strict religious law.
Jailed 13 years on militancy charges, he was freed following the revolution that ousted Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, and he has a message to the United States. 
"If America does not stop (its) violations or attacks, there will not be just one Ayman al-Zawahri, but all Muslims will (become like) Ayman al-Zawahri," he said in an interview with USA TODAY. 
"Our sharia commands us to stick to peace, to stick to Islam, to build our civilization, but if someone attacks us, our religion commands that all of us turn to be jihadists."
Read the rest HERE.

This reminds me a lot also of how better off we were in the mid-east when our ally the Shah of Iran was calling the shots there. It seems some folks just can't handle freedom and the responsibilities that come with it. And BTW, I don't care how fat the Shah's and Mubarak's wallets were getting. It was worth it. They kept the Islamic nut-cases there in check.

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