Wednesday, February 27, 2013

As the U.S. moves towards Socialized Medicine the UK tries to move away...with good reason

H/T Joel2013
An excruciating irony of Obamacare is that its architects modeled many of its features after the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). The NHS is a classic system of socialized medicine, and a monumental failure by any objective standard. Yet many of its features were enthusiastically built into the “Affordable Care Act.” The most obvious example is Obamacare’s rationing committee, the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB), which was consciously made in the image of Great Britain’s National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE). 
And lest you think I exaggerate the failures of the NHS, you can verify my characterization by reading or watching the countless news stories and documentaries that reveal a standard of care that is nothing short of scandalous. Routine neglect of elderly patients, cancer patients writhing in agony because their pain medications were not administered, clinicians eating patient food while patients starve, nurses ignoring patients desperate to use the toilet—all are commonplace. Indeed, neglect at one NHS hospital caused no fewer than 1,200 deaths.
It hardly needs to be said that ordinary Britons and a variety of patient advocacy groups are worried that such episodes will continue if drastic changes are not made at the NHS. And, ironically, the most successful of the “drastic” experiments put in place is that much-hated bĂȘte noire of progressives and Obamacare supporters everywhere: privatization. The Mail Online reports that Hinchingbrooke Hospital, “The first NHS trust to be operated entirely by a private company has recorded one of the highest levels of patient satisfaction in the country.”
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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