Saturday, February 9, 2013

An American hero...defamed and dishonored by a useless politician

This Monday, at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, Texas, there will be a Memorial Service for a true American hero, former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, who along with his friend Chad Littlefield, was murdered at the Rough Creek Lodge Hunting Range, while trying to help a former Iraqi War veteran who was suffering from PTSD.  A truly senseless murder committed by yet another mentally ill individual and NOT by the firearm in and of itself as the gun controllers want you to believe, as Chris Kyle's death must in NO way become another rallying cry for gun control, as some on the left, and unfortunately some even on the right are trying to make it out to be.

We all know Chris Kyle's story by now...that first and foremost he had NO regrets about the 160 people he killed as a Navy SEAL sniper during his five combat tours in Iraq...nor should he as those 160 enemy deaths saved countless American lives and earned him the title as the most lethal sniper in American military history.  We all know that for his service Chris was awarded two Silver Stars and five Bronze Stars, and that after leaving the service he and other former SEALS started Craft International, a security services company that provides military, law enforcement, and civilian training as well as private security and protection.  We all know that Chris helped found the FITCO Cares Foundation, a charity that helps vets struggling to live with PTSD, and that he was a best selling author (American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History).  And we all know that Chris was an outspoken opponent of gun control and proponent of our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.

In other words, Chris Kyle, the man assigned to SEAL Team 3, Sniper Element Charlie Platoon, had what it takes to be an American hero, but sadly, like many other Americans heroes, Chris Kyle has been defamed and dishonored by those who have NO idea as to the character of what makes one a hero.

And into that mix of loathsome individuals comes former presidential candidate Ron Paul, who tweeted this extremely vulgar and insensitive message after Chris' death, “Chris Kyle's death seems to confirm that "he who lives by the sword dies by the sword." Treating PTSD at a firing range doesn't make sense.”

Ron Paul, the man who has long opposed America's military actions overseas..the man who speaks ill of our military every chance he gets...that man has the audacity to question the actions of a brave man who risked his own life time and again to keep his brothers-in-arms safe.  How dare that miserable excuse of a man...that bloviating, cold and callous, contemptuous, useless politician dare to speak ill of a man just murdered by defaming NOT only Chris but all who proudly wore the uniform of the United States of America.

And only when called to task did Ron Paul issue another tweet which by the way was NO apology, in fact it further defamed NOT only our military but the Constitution as well.  Saying, “As a veteran, I certainly recognize that this weekend's violence and killing of Chris Kyle were a tragic and sad event.  My condolences and prayers go out to Mr. Kyle's family.  Unconstitutional and unnecessary wars have endless unintended consequences.  A policy of non-violence, as Christ preached, would have prevented this and similar tragedies”.

NO Ron Paul, any war America has fought has been Constitutional for it's Congress, as per the Constitution, who must give the president authority to go to war.

NO Ron Paul, wars are indeed sometimes necessary and justified to show our enemies that only through America's military strength and through victory can peace be achieved.

NO Ron Paul, a policy of non-violence would NOT have stopped Chris' murder as criminals and the mentally ill will always find a way to get guns and to kill.

So with this non-apology, with this useless uncaring string of words, words that dared to invoke the name of Jesus Christ (who by the way never condemned military action or personal self-defense and whose very own apostles carried swords for the protection of the group in perilous times, Luke 22:38) and by the using of His name played the dangerous game of misinterpretation of the Scriptures that is a forte of politicians everywhere, did Ron Paul prove once and for all that he lied about being anti-gun control, for the words he used, 'a policy of non-violence' are the very same words used by gun control supporters verbatim.

And with insensitivity and ignorance being the forte of fools, if Ron Paul had bothered to talk to vets before shooting off his big mouth and defaming an American hero he would have learned that hunting and shooting are well-known therapies for vets suffering with PTSD.

What Ron Paul did was inexcusable for Chris Kyle lived and died with valor, honor, and courage.  Chris Kyle's bravery and heroism will go down in history, will become the basis of legends, while Ron Paul just needs to go away...far far away...

Rest in Peace Chris Kyle...a true American will NEVER be forgotten by those who value freedom, God, and in everlasting peace.
Thanks Joseph.  :)

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BOSMAN said...

Welcome to RightSpeak Diane. Looking forward to your posts. I have been following you at your blog, The Patriot Factor.


I feel bad for Rand Paul in all this.

His father and his bizarre statements in the end may be hard for Rand to overcome if he plans on running in 2016

Many folks might think, Perhaps the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Although Rand was quick to come out with his own statement on this.

Anonymous said...

Paul is a nut. Nuts say crazy things.

Anonymous said...

I appreciate coming here and seeing this picture of Chris Kyle. He's an American hero.

Naturally the Muslim Brotherhood State Run Media wants to smear him and his memory. Pathetic wimps.

It's easier to sit at a computer mocking others than to put your life on the line protecting our country.

Anonymous said...

By the way, the State Run Media sure like to quote a fringe kook like Ron Paul. They want people to think conservatives are all nutty like Ron Paul. He's not actually a Republican, he's a Libertarian. What a joke he is. Tired of them giving him so much air time. He's their straw man, in every way.

Anonymous said...

Paul is useless and should retire and go back working on vaginas.