Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2nd Amendment Story: Gun-Friendly states extend welcoming hand to Firearms Manufacturers

To those states that choose to violate our 2nd Amendment rights by passing laws that hinder those rights I have one thing to say, 'As you make your bed, so you must lie on it'.

Maybe you can put your time to better use now by trying to find jobs for those citizens of your states who may be affected by your actions?
States claiming to be friendly to the Second Amendment are trying to poach gun and ammunition makers and related manufacturers from other states, especially those that have passed or are contemplating tougher gun laws. 
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, a Republican, this month has written at least 13 manufacturers in states from Oregon to New York saying his state would not impose "unwarranted government intrusion into your business." 
Rep. Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., has written manufacturers in New York and Colorado inviting them to relocate. Idaho economic development officials and Mississippi's Republican speaker of the House also have written similar letters.
"The enemies of freedom are waging an all-out assault on the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which we have sworn to protect and defend," said Duncan's letter to George Kollitides, chief executive officer of Freedom Group Inc., whose Remington Arms division has a manufacturing plant in Ilion, N.Y. "At a time when our government is consistently thwarting the ability of individuals to own businesses, voluntarily trade goods and services, and grow our economy, South Carolina is committed to a different story. In South Carolina, we believe in the right to keep and bear arms."
Read the rest HERE.

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