Thursday, June 28, 2012

SCOTUS Decision Has Lasting Ramifications

The SCOTUS decision on the PPACA (ObamaCare) has lasting ramifications. Their decision was not about the PPACA or the Individual Mandate. Their decision is levelled at the rights Congress has to raise and lower taxes. Essentially, PPACA stands because, as the SCOTUS rules, it is a tax*.

What does this ruling mean? Guess who owns GM... the government does. Is GM not doing so well? Then let's force everyone to buy a GM car. But that's not constitutional! It doesn't matter, attach a tax to it (with a penalty for not purchasing, of course) and now you are forced to own a GM car.

Congress decides that everyone must purchase an Apple computer. But that's not constitutional! It doesn't matter, attach a tax to it (with a penalty for not purchasing, of course) and now you are force to own an Apple computer.

You get the point. The SCOTUS has now ruled that Congress can tax behavior.

*Remember Obama telling us it is not a tax? Everyone else does:

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  1. You nailed it. Obama is free to dictate our behavior by taxes. Romney had better stress this point on the campaign trail.

  2. Silver Lining on Supreme Ruling: RedState's Erick Erickson is changing his tune and donated $ to Romney campaign. If we can win Erickson's support then I'm not sure there's anyone we can't get to join the fight!


  3. "Our very real medical crisis has been the product of massive government intervention, state and federal, throughout the century; in particular, an artificial boosting of demand coupled with an artificial restriction of supply. The result has been accelerating high prices and deterioration of patient care. And next, socialized medicine could easily bring us to the vaunted medical status of the Soviet Union: everyone has the right to free medical care, but there is, in effect, no medicine and no care." Murray Rothbard has put together this healthcare reading list so as to help concerned citizens understand how we got where we are, and where we are likely headed if we continue on this path.

    ObamaCare must be defeated either at the Federal or State levels, preferably both.
