Thursday, June 28, 2012

Mitt Romney reaction to SCOTUS Obamacare ruling (Full Video 06-28-12)

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  1. weak response. Please Mitt grow a pair and call it what it really is, Romneycare.

  2. What are you talking about? The response was solid! He will repeal Obamacare if elected.

  3. Absolutely correct. Romney was resolute and determined. We are at a crossroads. Do you want bigger government? Do you want more governmental intrusion in your personal life? If not, join me!

  4. If he called it Romneycare, everyone would be confused and think this case only pertained to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Don't be dense just because you dislike Romney.

  5. Mitt followed states rights and Romneycare did not impose the garbage Obamacare imposes. Wake up for goodness sakes. The man has has had donated 3.2 million with this decision today...less than a day.
    Paulee here....

  6. Anon @1:26pm: You're just spouting the old liberal/Democrat/MSM talking point that MassCare and Obamacare are the same. All the legal reasoning and practical analysis in the world won't get you off that meme. Maybe you should grow a PAIR--of frontal lobes. As in a BRAIN. And if you're not deficient in that anatomical department, I can only conclude that you're an Obama plant making mischief on this site.
