Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Rick Perry's letter to Hillary Clinton PRAISING Hillarycare

H/T The Daily Caller

Rick Perry seems to have a problem with Mitt Romney's Massachusetts health care bill, even though he believes in state's rights and that "States should be the laboratories for innovation" and all.

Lets hop in to the Right Speak wayback machine......Not to Perry's time as Al Gore's Texas Campaign Chairman.....Nah...Lets stop the machine at April 6, 1993.

It seems that Rick was ALL FOR Hillary Clinton's efforts for a National Health Care bill. Here's a letter, that missed the Perry Transparency shredder:

Click the letter to ENLARGE
“I think your efforts in trying to reform the nation’s health care system are most commendable.”
“I would like to request that the task force give particular consideration to the needs of the nation’s farmers, ranchers, and agriculture workers, and other members of rural communities,” Perry continued, noting his administration’s focus on economic development for rural Texans. “Rural populations have a high proportion of uninsured people, rising health care costs, and often experience lack of services.”
“Again, your efforts are worthy,” Perry concluded, ”and I hope you will remember this constituency as the task force progresses.”
So does this mean that Perry was for a National Healthcare Plan before he was against it?

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  1. Bosman,
    Paulee here...I just want to say thank you so much for all that you do...I post as soon as you share with us...We can do this....Romney 2012.....

  2. Dan Riehl is hearing that there is much more Perry material in the back channels. It will be interesting to see what comes out.

    Meanwhile, PPP has Perry up by 20 in SC. Yikes...

  3. RWN,

    I wonder what the Free Republic folks would think of the letter?

  4. I'm sure it will get posted there by the end of the day. Keep an eye on this link.


    If it's not on there by tonight, I'll throw a post up. I'm not sure how to post a photo on FR. I'll have to look into it.

  5. I'm on the shit list of some of the Perry supporters on FR right now...apparently, I havent been there long enough (1 year) to criticize Perry. There are plenty there who oppose him too. The best thing about posting something there, is that it hits the top of the search engines.

  6. It got posted


  7. Interesting comments by Tom Jensen at PPP about tomorrow's national numbers from S Carolina:

    " Here is perhaps one piece of good news for Obama these days and that's the surge of Rick Perry, who our polling suggests is not as strong a general election candidate as Mitt Romney. Perry fared 6 points worse than Romney against Obama in our national poll last week and does 7 points worse on South Carolina numbers we're releasing tomorrow. "


  8. Free Republic banned me. Reason given: "Troll"

    I guess we're not allowed to criticize Perry.

  9. RW,

    That would be great subject matter for a post.

  10. The not so free free republic!

  11. EXCLUSIVE: Romney to attend Jim DeMint’s South Carolina forum - http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/right-turn/post/exclusive-romney-to-attend-demints-south-carolina-forum/2011/08/30/gIQAx1cKqJ_blog.html

  12. RW, thanks for putting it on the line with Free Republic. You're a true patriot.

  13. Rick Perry Vows No Stimulus If Elected Despite Texas Reaping Federal Funds - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/08/29/rick-perry-stimulus-funds_n_941181.html

  14. Others are still there despite their criticism of Perry. I suspect I pissed off the wrong person. I'll be signing up again. A C4P regular says she got banned 5 times for being critical of Bush's runaway spending.

  15. RWN,

    You'll never be banned from here.....we love you, warts and all (c;)
