Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mitt Romney WILL BE attending Jim DeMint's Forum

H/T Joe

Mitt Romney WILL be attending the Palmetto Freedom Forum:
Mitt Romney will now appear at the candidate forum hosted by Sen. Jim DeMint in South Carolina. The Romney camp dismisses the suggestion that this is in response to Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s rise in the polls. Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul tells me: “We’re pleased we were able to arrange our schedule so that Gov. Romney can attend Labor Day events in both New Hampshire and South Carolina.” Romney was able to shift a Tea Party Express event.
HaHaHa! I love it. Prayer does work! Unless of course you're Rick Perry praying for rain in Texas!

I knew Mitt wouldn't let me down!

This forum is being sponsored by the American Principles Project and will take place at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center in Columbia, South Carolina on September 5th at 3pm. It is an invitation-only ticketed event, but South Carolina Educational Television has agreed to broadcast the event live, statewide on their South Carolina Channel.

More information on the forum can be found HERE.

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  2. Bos,

    . . . the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!


  3. I'm glad he's going. I want to see Romney and Perry duke it out.

    Is this going to be televised?

  4. so willard flip flopped again? How bout all you rombots flippin out over perry ascension into the master's seat? hahaha...Be afraid, be very afraid, this race is perry's to lose. Perry has the better record in dealing with jobs and the economy, Willard was a corporate raider who sold jobs overseas and only looked to fill his own pockets. Perry is a man of the people and you rombots may try to dig up his past, but the polls dont lie, this country needs way more than a robot car salesman. Willard may downplay perry's record, but Texas created the jobs, not Massachusetts which only created obamacare. We dont need the likes of willard running this country. Perry 2012!!!

    -Remember the Alamo!

  5. Hey OJ.....you forgot to sign your name.

  6. I think that's Craig from Race.


  7. Anon 8:13. I believe the word is 'pivoted'.

  8. "Hey OJ.....you forgot to sign your name." You are full of @#$% anon, I was not commenting at 8:49 PM, but if you guys want to continue to be dishonest, feel free.

  9. OJ, thanks for remembering not to actually use the vile words that I find offensive. I'm sorry you got so upset you needed to use bad language at all. This troll certainly is obnoxious, though.

