Friday, August 26, 2011

Rick Perry: Romneycare is a Problem for me

Rick Perry had this to say on the Laura Ingraham Show:
Perry told Ingraham the law was a "total debacle" and would be a "huge problem" for Romney.
"I think Mitt is finally recognizing that the Massachusetts health care plan he passed is a huge problem for him," Perry said. "It was not almost perfect."
HaHaHaHa! You have to admit that considering the following data, Perry is either delusional or has a warped sense humor:

State with share of residents with health insurance:

Massachusetts 1st
Texas 50th

State with share of children with health insurance:

Massachusetts 1st
Texas 50th

So you see Rick. Romneycare isn't a problem, YOU ARE!

Can you imagine him bringing this up at a debate and Romney smiling and rattling off the data above? PRICELESS!

Oh, and BTW, you want a see a mandate with a problem. look HERE.

I'm a little disappointed with Laura on this. What I find so upsetting about the interview is that Ingraham didn't call him on the related data on his state under his watch. She certainly had to know. Instead, she gives him a FREE PASS! What a missed opportunity for another moment like this one on abstinence:

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  1. Bosman,

    You are forgetting that Republican primary voters outside of the Romney fans really DO NOT CARE about getting people insured. In fact, I would say that Perry's pitiful record is something to tout in South Carolina. It's kind of like their grades in college. It is the exact opposite of how it should be.

    The Tea Party does not like success. They want rowdy noise and nothing more.

  2. Bosman,

    In the same clip Rick Perry bashes Romneycare and then goes on to argue for state solutions to health care. Do you really think that any of the knuckle draggers in the Tea Party are going to catch that blatant dose of hypocrisy? Rick Perry stands for in your face ignorance and there are many primary voters that are going to love it. He has already managed to shoulder Bachmann aside and consolidate the idiot vote.

  3. America needs change visit and share your thoughts.

  4. We should let Ingraham know what a "lame" interview that was. But, oh! She's on the Fox payroll.........and their memo was to go easy on Perry.....and .....anyone but Romney! Remember when it was nonstop Bachmann on Fox just a few weeks ago?? Now it's Perry, Perry......and easy stuff! No vetting, no REAL critical analysis. Laura does have to follow memos from that part of her paycheck!

    Beck would do the same thing.....give Perry a pass. Where's the honor in the "mike"??

  5. Clearly, this man is not doing any research on his own, but is solely relying on far left propaganda.

  6. Rick Perry: ROMNEY is a problem for me. There, fixed it.


  7. Another Great post Bosman.

    I can't believe the other conservative sites aren't calling Perry out and vetting all his so called pluses.

    You guys here are doing a service for Republicans who want the facts.

  8. You're right on both accounts Pablo.

    But I refuse to sit back and let some phony conservative with a MORE THAN QUESTIONABLE record, go unvetted.

    If only the lib sites are doing it, it is written off as oh, it's just the libs.

    I'm far from being a lib. Unlike many REPUBLICANS, I'm INFORMED.

    And whether folks like it or not, I'm going to get the Perry info out there....NON-STOP!

  9. ya know...rick perry has government health care there in his is called CHIPS FOR KIDS and he still has the highest rate of uninsured in his state of texas! mitt should bring up this the next time perry sqyueels health care....

  10. perry did not create jobs there in texas...he is riding on the tails of the already friendly jobs laws that texas has had like..forever...but what he did do is create a place where you have the most minimum wage jobs and less living wag...e jobs and has created a sanctuary state for illiegals that love the minumum wage jobs...and the employers who love to give the jobs to illegals so they don't even have to pay minumim wage....he doubled texas' debt...infact texas is spending more per person than cali right now...texas is soon to implode!

  11. What I am most curious about is how expensive health care is in each state. Sure, Mass has the most insured, but their premiums and health care costs are really high. I don't know if I could live there with those costs. I don't know what TX metrics are, I am curious.

    Now, having said that, Mass had the right to make those choices for themselves. It was and remains popular with many of the citizens. If Romney had refused to work with the Dems in his state, a far worse mandate would have come from their legislature. I suspect the cost of health care in that state would have been astronomical.


  12. For Merck Perry to say he believes in state solutions then to criticize Romney's state solution -- a solution that had overwhelming bipartisan support -- is ridiculous. For Merck Perry to criticize Romney for mandating personal responsibility at a state level (a mandate needed to offset a federal mandate to provide ER service) while he mandated controversial vaccinations from his buddy's company is also ridiculous. This information needs to get out to a wider audience.

  13. Bos,

    You certainly got Perry's number with this one.

    And you did it all with facts.

  14. Machtyn--the cost of living in general is higher in MA than most other states, including housing, etc. Same with parts of NY and CA. Salaries also happen to be higher in general.

  15. If Romney were not going to be the Republican nominee, Rush would not have made a comment like this one he made this morning: "I don't care who our nominee will be." 2/13/2012
