Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mitt Romney to Announce NEXT WEEK!

Mitt Romney just announced on Facebook that he will officially announce his candidacy next week in New Hampshire:

Here is Fox News confirming as Well:
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will formally announce his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination June 2 in New Hampshire, Fox News has learned. 
The announcement will occur in Stratham, N.H., at a farm owned by Doug Scamman, former state House speaker. 
Romney, who will be in Iowa on Friday, 
On Friday, Romney will make his first trip to Iowa this year, underscoring what aides call a more focused, disciplined approach to his second attempt at the GOP nomination.
The full story is HERE.


  1. Romney / Palin in 2012!

  2. This is great news.
    Maybe there is hope for us after all.

  3. I would expect Romney to get a bounce in his poll numbers.

    Was there something about a bus tour in the news today?

  4. Maybe Palin's bus will stop at Mitt's announcement event.

    Now that would be a headline.

  5. Knowing Romney, he'd stop what he was doing, and go and escort her off the bus.

    Romney is a real gentleman with lots of class.

  6. This is the best news of the day! I expect to see a big bump in his numbers once he totally commits.

    Romney 2012!

  7. Anon:

    Mitt ComMITTs!

  8. Any of the big money men who may have been holding out, just opened their fat wallets.

  9. After spending the day in Chicago fundraising, Mitt Romney sat down with small business owners at Gino's East, a pizza joint famous for their deep-dish pizza.

    Not wanting any of the leftover slices to go to waste, Romney sent the remaining pies to where else but President Obama's Chicago reelection headquarters.

    Asked if the pies actually made it to Obama's HQ, a campaign source said that they had.

    In fact, Romney himself tweeted a photo of a delivery boy heading out with the loot, writing, "Great deep dish at @ginoseast. Sending the extra slices to @barackobama and his Chicago HQ team."

    Classy and funny. Mr. Romney can make a point without spewing hate.

    Romney 2012!

  10. It's about time.

    I guess this means he's a go for the NH Debate.

  11. Looking forward to it. Although this now dooms Romney's chances of getting a Fox News TV contract until 2021.

  12. Awesome news. Let the primaries begin!

  13. Great news! Romney is the right man at the right time.

    Mitt Romney 2012!

  14. Mitt is going to win this thing.

    Sorry TPaw but copying Mitt's every word is not going to get you nominated.

  15. If Palin gets in, Pawlenty will never get the attention he needs to get his name out there.

  16. Why would his poll numbers go up? Most people already see him as a candidate right now. If anything, his numbers will slip even further than the already have, since his announcement gives evryone another opportunity to talk about his shameless flip flopping and RomneyCare.

  17. Yes, they can all talk more about his six year old flip flop...and then complain about Romneycare and ethanol and all of the other positions he is not flipping on in the face of harsh hysterical criticism - and they will sound totally credible in the process!

    Kidding, of course.
