Sunday, February 27, 2011

From One Fatso to Another

At 302 pounds I want to offer some advice to my fellow fatso Mike Huckabee. Apologize to fat kids everywhere. Normally I would never criticize another fatso for being fat. But when Huckabee backed Michelle Obama's crusade against the great threat to national security, fat kids, he opened himself up to well deserved derision.

Huckabee, who is 4 inches shorter than I am, once weighed around 300 pounds as well. He lost an astounding 120 pounds, but has since gained much of it back.

Huck should apologize to fat kids for being a terrible role model. By supporting Michelle Obama, Huck is in essence agreeing that fat kids are a national threat. Does that make him a national threat too? He should apologize for his callousness towards the challenges that fat kids face. He should apologize for his blatant hypocrisy. Huck should apologize to fat kids for trying to force them to do what he is incapable of, eating healthy and maintaining an exercise routine.

It makes one wonder if Huckabee wants to take a page from another proposed expansion of government that he has expressed admiration for in the past, cap and trade. Perhaps Huckabee envisions a day when he can buy fat credits from skinny people. People like Palin and Romney.


  1. Know thyself!

    Huckabee would be beside himself if he wasn't being a hypocrite. Now could you visualize that calamity?

  2. Looking at the photo of Huckabee downing that tomato reminds me of the, Power of the mind over matter.

    I can almost read his mind, "JELLY DONUT...JELLY's a damn JELLY DONUT"


  3. Trying to read their bibs...

    Was this a tomato eating contest??

  4. He really jumped the shark when he called obesity a national security issue.

    This is much more than providing information on healthy eating. It's the continued growth of the nanny state mentality that says government knows best.

  5. Stimulus-funded war on obesity spreads nationwide

    Michelle Obama isn’t the only one waging a war on obesity. Unbeknownst to them, taxpayers are too.

    A stimulus-funded anti-obesity campaign has spread throughout the country. And the $650 million Recovery Act program called Communities Putting Prevention to Work (CPPW) is funding not just anti-obesity campaigns in New York City, but campaigns throughout the country.

    Thirty-one localities — from cities in Hawaii to Maine to South Carolina — have received grants to combat the effects of sugary drinks and trans fats on residents’ waistlines.


  6. Right Wingnut,

    It's about "CONTINUED GROWTH" alright!

  7. more...

    ....But the war on obesity and soda already has at least one known victim. Just last month, Pepsi Beverages Company halted production at its Baltimore, Maryland plant. The company attributed the decision, in part, to a new 2-cent beverage tax in Baltimore.

    “It’s ironic that the stimulus money is being used to drive the beverage companies out of business,” said Tom Borelli of the Free Enterprise Project....

  8. Welcome Dan!

    Not to be out done.
    Perhaps Huckabee is associating Chris Christie's GROWTH in popularity to GROWTH.

  9. RWN,

    I wonder if he bought those shirts at a prison supply company. I would imagine that with prisoners moving in-and-out of prisons in Arkansas at an accelerated rate, Huckabee might get a great state discount.

  10. come on guys, give him some credit. He's eating a tomato in that picture.

  11. "come on guys, give him some credit. He's eating a tomato in that picture."

    Look at the expression on The wife's face. She looks as if she hopes he knows how to eat it. After all, There is no powdered sugar on it.

  12. Stop it, you bullies. So he's having a foot injury, it could happen to anyone.

    I'm also overweight, and you people remind me of some bullies I encountered in high school. It makes me feel sick and just goes on to show how low you have fallen in your crusade against the only man who could bring common sense back to government - Mike Huckabee.

  13. "It makes me feel sick and just goes on to show how low you have fallen in your crusade against the only man who could bring common sense back to government - Mike Huckabee."

    Oh my! Mike is the only man, huh? No body else can bring "common sense" back to the government. If we don't elect Huck, we are all doomed.

    Sorry John. But Huck deserves everything that he is getting. He has made some brave choices over the years, but right now he is just acting petty.

  14. John, Were you OK with Huck mocking Palin on his show and Red Eye? If I recall, the first time he did it on his show, it went over like a lead baloon, but it hasn't stopped him from doing it.

  15. Pablo, that isn't far from truth. Although Pawlenty would make a decent president as well, Huckabee is clearly the best choice.

    What did he do? Attack Romney over health care? Yeah, he's the first one to do so, every other Republican have unanimously agreed that Romneycare is great and... no, wait a second...

    So what's so special about Huckabee saying what everyone else has already said about Romney and his health care reform?

    I personally think Rombots are angry because this shows Huckabee probably will run. And because it shows he won't bow down to Romney and avoid attacking him. Nightmare scenario if you're a rombot. I really feel sorry for you guys.

    And mocking someone for their weight is always below belt, it is below basic decency. Grow up, you're not in high school anymore.

  16. What? The thing about Palin doing drugs? It's borderline, but it doesn't justify any attack on his weight.

    Corzine tried that strategy aganist Christie. Didn't work out very well the way I remember things.

  17. John,

    "And mocking someone for their weight is always below belt,"

    No one is hitting Huckabee below the belt. Hell, no one can see his belt. We can guess though that it lies somewhere between the first ans second roll.

  18. Shut up.

    "Have you no decency, Sir? At long last, have you no sense of decency?"

  19. hunkafat (brother os huckafat)February 27, 2011 at 3:32 PM


    comonnnnnn now John.

    We're talking Huckabee!

  20. Didn't the Pillsbury Doughboy once say, That you can tell if I'm running if I loose my weight?

  21. "Although Pawlenty would make a decent president as well, Huckabee is clearly the best choice."

    Why? Your statements are so dogmatic. He would "clearly" be the best choice. Why? According to your opinion, yes. But you are no expert.

    And I think that you have completely failed to understand what we are mad about. It is not that Huckabee doesn't like Romneycare. It is that he thinks it is "socialized medicine."

    That means that he is either ignorant and doesn't understand what socialize medicine really is or he is so petty that he is willing to lie about Romney just to make him look bad.

    Do you think that Romneycare is "socialized medicine?"

  22. It doesn't matter whether it is. Going after someone's weight is still not a fair thing to do.

    And for the record, Romneycare according to me chokes the private sector and will lead to completely socialized health care as time goes by. The road to serfdom, you know.

  23. John from Sweden, now Ireland, just because Huckabee says something is so, doesn't make it the truth.

    Your long distant love affair with the Gov is getting a little hard to stomach.

  24. Oh my John! Come on. You are smarter than that. By the way, Huckabee said that Romneycare is socialized medicine. Not that it would lead to socialized medicine.

    I know that you really don't believe what you are saying. You just have to because your favorite candidate made a stupid assertion.

  25. John, Huck is bullying the fat kids.

    As to socialized medicine. Huck seems perfectly comfortable with socializing diets and fitness. Maybe he secretly admires the mandate, and that is why he wants to mandate fitness (just not for himself).

  26. John, I agree that going after someone's weight is not fair, just like going after someone's religion isn't fair either. Or being bitter because other candidates are getting more attention than he is because they are PHAT and Huck is merely fat. But since Huck finds it acceptable to attack little kids for being fat, then his waistline should be fair game too.

  27. So, calling Palin a crackhead is borderline, but calling Huck fat is beyond the pale? That is messed up thinking. Palin is NOT an addict and that kind of joke would be actionable in court as libel if Palin were an ordinary person and not a public figure. Calling Huck fat...well that is just the truth.

  28. Oh, and for the record. I have really soured on Romney since he endorsed O'Donnell in the general election some months ago. I admit that I tend to be all over the place and change my mind quite often on who I prefer, but at this point my preference is first Daniels, second Pawlenty, third Romney/Palin.

  29. But hey, to be fair to Huck's waistline, I must concede that there are other things about Huck that are fat. He has a fat ego, a fat head, and he likes fat lies.

  30. John,

    can u explain why huck as a mancrush on romney? Just because romney has the better record, experience, success, money, looks, wife, education, intelligence, more articulate doesnt give huckabee a reason to go on the attack.


  32. I agree that going after Huck's (or anyone's) weight as a qualification (or lack thereof) for POTUS would be irresponsible (unless it became so bad that his health became an issue in the carrying out of responsibilities or became life-threatening).

    But, I haven't seen anyone here suggesting that. They are just commenting on his weight just for the sake of commenting on his weight. Some of it may be sophomoric, but it's no different than people making fun of Mitt's hair or his stuffiness.

  33. Huckabee made a joke about Palin. You are ganging up against Huckabee like a group of high school bullies.

    DanL, did I mention I am fat? And still I have never ever felt attacked by Huckabee. This mob behavior that you are engaged in however makes me feel sick and gives me flashbacks from high school.

    Where goes the line for socialized medicine? I think that if an industry is regulated enough, it is effectively socialized - even if it's not nationalized. Did MA cross the line? I honestly don't know - but they are playing with it, and that's bad enough.

  34. hamaca,

    "....but it's no different than people making fun of Mitt's hair or his stuffiness."

    bring it on

  35. John, you aren't a US citizen, nor living in the US, therefore the laws passed by the Obamas and endorsed by Huckabee have no impact on you. They do on fat kids here in the US.

    Obama and Huck sure want to regulate the food industry until there is no choice on sugary, salty, or fatty food.

  36. "Did MA cross the line? I honestly don't know - but they are playing with it, and that's bad enough."

    Johnny.......How has the MA health care law affected you?

  37. I'm interested in American politics. Do you have a problem with that?

    Huckabee has lead by example, not regulation. True, he has gained back a lot because of an injury, but how is that his fault?

  38. John, the Obamas are trying to regulate what we eat. Huck endorses that approach. Why isn't this sinking in? Because it's Huckabee who is doing it, therefore it is ok with you?

  39. Huckabee has already said he doesn't believe in banning people from eating stuff. You should read his book, "Quit digging your grave with a knife and fork".

  40. I don't know that's bad for meFebruary 27, 2011 at 7:09 PM


    When you go into Burger King in Ireland and order a Double Meat Whopper with cheese and extra sause, Do you need Michelle Obama and Huckafat telling you that, That's not a salad your eating?

  41. Huckabee had Michelle Obama on his Fox show, where he praised and endorsed her fat campaign. That is more recent than whatever he wrote in his book.

  42. Nope. However, I think I and everyone else who is overweight could use a good example to follow. Personally, I don't know, I'm starting to think I'm a hopeless case. I'm afraid even if they outlawed all fatty foods, I'd still buy them on the black market ;)

  43. What does everyone have against Michelle Obama? Like she is guilty for what her husband does.

    Huckabee would of course endorse the spirit of any campaign that promotes healthy living. that doesn't mean he promotes federal regulation or banning.

  44. "Huckabee would of course endorse the spirit of any campaign that promotes healthy living. that doesn't mean he promotes federal regulation or banning."

    "Do As I Say, Not As I Do"

  45. Posts like that makes me wonder why anonymous comments haven't been banned.

  46. John,

    Email huckafat's Army and ask them, to describe the Public Option Plan in Massachusetts.

    How many people in huckafat's Army know someone in MA on the "Public Option"?

  47. John, I feel your pain, but your outrage is selective. Did you agree with Huck's bigoted campaign? Or the way he failed to police his own site or other pro-Huck sites with regard to severely rude anti-Mormon comments? To my mind, it was no different than being racist, and we don't need anything of the sort in our party. Huck knew better, but failed. He's never 'apologized' either.

    Did you agree with all the personal insults Huck said/says about Romney? Do you also look down on Romney because of his education, work ethic, success, wealth, talent? Huck has a jealous petty streak that is not difficult to see.

    So calling Huck fat is pretty weak payback, don't you think? Huck has a lot coming, as far as I'm concerned.


  48. Hi Dan. Good posts-glad to see you back. I'm trying to restrain myself, but temptation got the best of me.


  49. John, just admit that Dan has you cornered. Huck supports regulations regarding food and other items just like Romney supported regulations regarding health care in MA. Regulations do not equate socialism. You are too lovestruck by Huckabee that you refuse to recognize the logical dilemma that you are currently in.

  50. John, The first time Huck took a shot at palin was right after the campaign, on his show. I don't remember exactly what it was, but it had something to do with the crap about Africa, or one the other ridiculous claims. I was watching the show. NOBODY in the crowd laughed, and he noticed and awkwardly moved on to something else quickly. I still had some respect for him until that day.

    Shortly after that, he made some comment about how she gets more attention than he does because she "looks better in high heels." Not horrible, but slightly sexist, and highly transparent.

    Then, there was the crackhead comment on Red Eye. This as in response to a comment Palin made to Judge Napoltano. She doesn't believe pot should be legalized, but that the cops should focus on more pressing matters than some guy smoking a joint in their own home.

    Shortly after that, he scheduled a Sarah Palin impersonator as a guest on his show. based on the promo, the woman was a knockoff of Tina Fey. Again, not the end of the world, but it's quite distasteful, given that she is a potential primary opponent. The program never aired due to complaints over the promo.

    Not long ago, Huckabee called Palin an extremist, and compared to Anthony Weiner, because she didn't support the tax compromise.

    Recently, he's gone out of his way to criticize her for jokes she has made about Michelle Obama's anti-obesity program. On her show, she said they would "have smores in honor of Michelle Obama, who had recently said we shouldn't have desert." Fairly harmless stuff, but Huck couldn't resist turning into something more.

    There have been others instances as well, but those are off the top of my head.

    If Palin and Romney were doing the same things to Huck, we wouldn't hear the end of it from you guys.

  51. Right Wing, thanks for providing the very useful information earlier in the comments about the budget of this sham legislation and the repercussions of the Pepsi plant closing because of it.


  52. One of my favorite passages from "Going Rogue"...

    ...I do not believe I am more moral, certainly no better, than anyone else, and conservatives who act "holier than thou" turn my stomach. So do some elite liberals. But I do believe in a few timeless and unchanging truths, and chief among those is that man is fallen. This world is not perfect, and politicians will never make it so.....

    Huckabee could learn from this.

  53. I cant believe this post has this many comments.............hahahaahhaahaha....

    WTF? John isnt even living in the USA or an american citizen, yet he is strongly defending every idiotic thing huckabee has done? John I'm beginning to think you have a mancrush on Huckabee, like huckabee has on need to just sit there in ireland or where ever you are, open up a can of guiness and dont worry about whats going on here in the USA.

  54. As someone who is leaning slightly towards Romney in 2012, I am disappointed at this ad hominen attack on Huckabee. Do we really have to go after his weight? I think its petty and disappointing.
    I don't think its appropriate to tear down Huckabee in this way. Lets stick to President Reagan's 11th Commandment. We are not democrats so lets stop acting like them.
