Sunday, April 13, 2014

Is Mitt Romney the New Reagan for 2016?

Now that President Barack Obama is in the spotlight for his foreign policy fiascos in Russia, Libya, Syria and Egypt, former presidential candidate Mitt Romney has stepped up and is reminding Americans how correct his own instincts were in these and many other foreign and domestic issues during the 2012 presidential campaign.
Might this be another opportunity for Romney to present himself as a candidate for the presidency in 2016?
He is almost surely the most experienced, capable, and administratively mature of the current Republican candidates and therefore most able to lead us out of the many crises a weakened and wounded America will be facing post-Obama. 
Since Ronald Reagan was always gradually on the move toward his “shining city on a hill,” this slow but sure dynamic should be good for evaluating Mitt Romney, as well — subject to Reagan’s rule of “trust but verify." 
And while there was not then or now any absolute guarantee that Romney's movements to the right are permanent, there has been no flopping back to positions which were once more centrist or even center-left. For example, Mitt Romney is solidly to the right on issues that matter the most:
- Increasingly pro-life (based on both medical science and 10th Amendment rights) 
- Increasingly supportive of Second Amendment gun rights 
- Increasingly tough on illegal immigration and on border security 
- Increasingly anti-Obamacare (born of universal Hillarycare, not Romney's one-state plan) 
- Increasingly supportive of Paul Ryan's "MediChoice" versus Obama's "MediCrash" 
- Increasingly supportive of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) 
- Increasingly supportive of Simpson-Bowles spending cuts and early budget balancing 
- Increasingly critical of the pseudo-science of the gobal warming of a “climate scam” 
- Increasingly tough on foreign policy, national security and Defense Department funding 
- Increasingly against Obama’s tyrannical violations of the law, his oath, the Constitution
Read the rest of the story HERE.

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  1. We will never know. Some in our party never gave Mitt the chance he deserved because of their own bigot ideas.

  2. Reagan was never a big joke.


    Yes, I think it's a great idea.


  4. I don't think Romney should actually jump into the race. Rather, I believe he should be ready in case the crop of candidates remains unimpressive enough that he is "drafted" leading up to the convention or some other key point in time.
