Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ted Cruz Has Seen His Poll Numbers

I watched this interview with Senator Cruz and it appears to me that Cruz is now aware of how incredibly unpopular he is. Cruz was implying that he wants to work with Republicans and Democrats on a wide range of issues, instead of leading kamikaze missions to nowhere as has been his schtick since the time he arrived in Washington. I hope he will. The Tea Party is not going to listen to the Republican establishment (well, some of them will when those attack ads start appearing). They trust Cruz. The Texan Senator has an opportunity to lead, instead of following. Should Cruz change course and spend the next few years trying to make a positive change to our federal government instead of being led on a leash by the masses, then I will be open to voting for him. He is no doubt intelligent and a somewhat moral man.

However, if he continues the non-sense that is he is currently known for, then my vote won´t really matter, because Cruz will never win over a majority of Americans. It appears he may be realizing it. With all that bipartisan talk he is starting to talk like a RINO.

Of course, he probably also has in mind the "one strike and your out" Tea Party litmus test that is sinking Marco Rubio´s career. It will be interesting to see how he maneuvers in the next few years.


  1. The dog and pony show is over. If Cruz is as bright and as intelligent as his supporters claim he is, he knows he has to change his rhetoric, etc. Even his supporters should realize by now this is the case, otherwise he has zero chance of winning a general election.

  2. I can't imagine Cruz going anywhere in a real primary. I know he does well in polls, but he's more of a novelty than anything else. I don't see staying power because of some of the things Pablo mentions here, and because on a personal note, he is annoying, condescending, and arrogant. That doesn't work in debates or primaries. (Hunstman)


  3. He was owned in that CNN interview yesterday.
