Thursday, November 7, 2013

Diane Sori´s Shallow Christie Critique

Dear Diane and the rest of the Tea Partiers,

You guys have had your fun, destroying the GOP and causing our country to shift leftward. I only ask one thing:

Please write about policy positions when you are critiquing the RINOs. You are not going to want to do this because you will find out that a) your favorite Tea Party governors are not more conservative than the "RINOs" and b) 90% of the Tea Party is made of non-governors, or what I like to refer to as Conservatives in Mouth Only, the loud mouths who talk a big game because they know they will never be put in the game.

Let me give you an example. You recently wrote about the elections where you referred to Chris Christie as a RINO six times. Not mentioned in your article was anything of substance that might suggest that Chris Christie is moderate.

And, no, working with the President days before the election when your state has been destroyed by a giant hurricane does not make you a RINO. It makes you somebody who cares about your job and the people your serve. Furthermore, this is not a policy position. If you are going to critique Christie, then please do research on the actual policy positions he has taken and then compare them to the "conservative" governors and then tell me who is moderate. You probably won´t do that because that requires hard work. It is much easier to label somebody a RINO because he was seen on TV with the devil from Kenya.

By the way, those of you Romney folks that don´t like Christie, because you think you he helped Obama win -- quit acting like a bunch of children! I supported Romney for over six years. But Romney did not loose the election because of Christie, and neither is Romney the be-all, end-all of conservatism.

And, no, requesting aid for your state after a giant hurricane is also not being "liberal." As has been mentioned a million times, New Jersey gets back $.69 for every dollar it sends to Washington. Don´t you think that the governer of New Jersey has the right to demand that the taxpayers in his state get back some of their hard-earned money when they are facing a disaster like they did. That is conservative. The people of New Jersey worked for their money. They ought to be able to get it back. Unfortunately, the loud mouths in the Senate refer to it a "progressivism" in an effort to distract you from the fact that New Jersey is subsidizing the welfare in said "conservatives´" states. I wouldn´t mind if each state got back what it put in, but then how would your heros get elected if they
told their own constituents to get off the government dole. Nope, they are going to continue to lie to their own people (and to you) and tell them that the real problem is people like Chris Christie when in fact, New Jersey is literally giving its money away to the South and other red states. I long for the day when red states aren´t putting us in debt!

Forunately for the country, the Tea Party, outside of the House of Representatives, will never win nationally and therefore will never govern (and, no, you can´t govern from the HoR, have we learn that lesson yet?). Yet, conservative candidates can win national office. We have Republican governers across the nation who have managed to separate themselves from the toxic Republican and Tea Party brand. They have gone into their states, promising to work with their opposition (like adults) and to do what is best for their states. But, the Tea Party is what is preventing us from having a real conservative party that could bring conservative politices to our federal government.

Until bloggers and activists like Diane decide to think and do research, instead of just relying on a bunch of uneducated demagogues for their worldview, then the country will not have a legitimate conservative party.

It´s certainly not looking promising.



  1. lol, it is funny

    However pity she didn't twerk herself and she would be very welcome to play with my own keyboard hehe

    Very nice figure.

  2. Anyone who does NOT have the courage of their convictions to sign their name or show their face has ZERO credibility.

  3. And BTW, I was a volunteer on ROMNEY'S campaign...both times.

  4. Anyone who has shows their face next to Allen West has ZERO credibility.

  5. And if you were to RomneyMan´s comment, I agree. That was inappropiate.

  6. Pablo,
    Christie used to be among my top favs. I wanted him or Ryan for VP, and long before that, I admired him. My dissatisfaction started when I noticed how utterly rude he is to people--his constituents and others, including Republicans. Then, I was angry about how self-serving his speech was at the convention. But I brushed it off.

    When hurricane Sandy hit, Christie went overboard in helping Obama. I never have understood the justification for it. (What did Obama actually do that any pres would not have done? Did he go to any great lengths? I fail to see that he did.) And, were Christie's overt comments/actions really necessary to get the federal aid he needed? Not to my mind.

    His statements that the election didn't matter really burned me, because it DID matter for everyone, including those in NJ. But it turned out to be a great photo op for Obama and Christie. So hell yeah, I think it was self-serving. To believe otherwise is pretty naive. Christie played it to his advantage, and polls show that it did help Obama in the last days of a close election.

    I'm not saying it is the prime reason Romney lost, but it was a factor. I didn't disagree that he should be helping his state, of course not. But he kept saying the election didn't matter. From his perspective, I'm sure it didn't.

    Since then, I see Christie more clearly, and am less inclined to want to support him. I don't think it makes me a child, but a little more careful. I also don't necessarily believe that his great appeal across the aisle, or with blacks, etc is proof that he can do it nationally. I think his rude manner would be a great stumbling block in a national race, although his every-day man persona is quite appealing.

    The problem for me is that I don't see anyone on the list who can do what needs done--at this point. So Christie may end up being the default choice, although the far right are going to destroy him.

    To be honest, I don't know his record, other than it is conservative for a blue state. I do NOT think he is a RINO. That's ridiculous, and I detest the categorization.

    I may end up supporting him--because he either impresses me and changes my mind, or by default.


  7. referring is what I meant to say above

  8. Martha, I can respect that. You are trying to take a balanced approached. I am not arguing that Christie is everything. You should take your time making a decision on who to support.

  9. Pablo must really have his panties in a bunch today. Diane...just ignore Pap Smear...err I mean Pablo. He is just a Democrat who likes to pretend being a Republican so he can sit on his high horse and look down on everyone who he disagrees with.

    He shows up every couple months, insults those he disagrees with and disappears....too chicken shit to respond to anyone who challenges him.

    Just look who is his biggest fan, RomneyMan....the pretend Republican who only lives to suck up to Democrats and Obama.


    Pablo Sucks and is a turd :)

  10. Yes, I do look down on you. That is correct.

  11. Pablo....try Summers Eve! It may help.

    Pablo Sucks

  12. I stuck my comment initially under the C.Underwood article.
    My comment has been moved form that article, and somehow placed in this article.

    And yes, believe me, my comments concerning the Underwood thread certainly are not meant for this one lol

  13. ie.. if the above was not clear:

    My post:

    "lol, it is funny

    However pity she didn't twerk herself and she would be very welcome to play with my own keyboard hehe

    Very nice figure."

    Was placed in the Obamacare underwood/Paisley uploaded by RWN

  14. RomneyMan...You are only saying that because your Democrat buddy Turdo....err I mean Pablo called you out. Even he thought you went too far.

    Pablo Sucks

  15. lol

    what, so underwood isn't a hottie?

    Man, you must have some standards lol

  16. Christie wants DC to be like Trenton, NJ.

    me too.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. My take on Christie is that at the time of Hurricane Sandy, he should have invited Mitt along with the President to tour (after all it was close to election time and if Mitt had won it would have been beneficial for NJ) the Jersey shore and offer input. Mitt is extremely competent to handle such situations and the people of NJ would have benefited. The whole thing bothered me about Christie. I had been a fan of his and had gone to one of his townhalls and liked his boldness.

  19. I was boiling mad at Christie during that time but let's keep his actions in context. We're talking a 1000 mile storm. It was felt from the Virginia coast to Maine. It was incredible. My guess is, Christie didn't know how to logistically juggle Romney's people and Obama's visit, etc. Romney's campaign wasn't nimble enough during that period. It was just very bad luck for Romney. Regardless, if people had gotten off the couch and voted, we would have won.

  20. I don't think Christie should have done anything with Romney during the Sandy crisis. But he should not have given Obama so much help. Period.

    I agree, it was just bad luck to have the storm hit when it did. If the election were a week earlier, things might have turned out different. Maybe, maybe not. I think Mitt had some momentum going that was lost.


  21. It wasn't just his photo op with Obama. It was his convention speech, his barring candidates from fundraising in his state, his holding a special election to fill the Senate seat to avoid having Booker on the ballot in November (he still would have won, but by a smaller margin, and Lonegan would have had a great shot at winning....ironically because of Christie's huge advantage in his race). And when the incoming RGA. Chair refuses to campaign for the GOP Gov candidate in VA.....well, that's just the icing on the cake.

  22. He's not interested in advancing a cause or candidate unless it helps advance himself. You could argue that most politicians do that, but he seemingly takes it to a whole new level.

  23. RW, right on both comments. He is only interested in advancing himself, as he proves every single day. Yeah, politics is like that, but at some point you have to stop stabbing other Repubs in the back.


  24. But he's A KENYAN BORN MUSLIM! And you are a Muslim lover damned to hell, Pablo!

  25. TOO MANY WHINERS here jealous of Christie's 22 point glorious victory!

  26. Diane Sori said...
    And BTW, I was a volunteer on ROMNEY'S campaign...both times.

    That figures.

  27. I agree, it was just bad luck to have the storm hit when it did. If the election were a week earlier, things might have turned out different. Maybe, maybe not. I think Mitt had some momentum going that was lost.


    The storm was by God's hand and plan.

  28. AnonCraigRM. Spoiling RS and Race.


  29. Election Night Exit Poll (NJ-2016):

    Hillary: 50
    Fatso: 43

    Can someone please remind me when a president was last elected despite losing his home state? I'm not sure it's ever happened, but I could be wrong.

  30. Martha,

    You are driving yourself crazy and paranoid. Turn off your computer. Go watch tv.

  31. RW, I hear ya. But who is going to do any better? We don't have anyone.


  32. All you haters led by Martha....

    Bow down to Christie/Huntsman 2016!

    Yeah, a Catholic and a Mormon. You got a problem with those playas?

    The playas gon' play / Them haters gonna hate / Them callers gonna call / Them ballers gonna ball!

    ~ Snoop Dog

  33. I'm a Democrat from NJ that voted for Christie.

    It was his 'conservatism' that won me over.
